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Everything posted by jazz77

  1. Ok. I have to say that some people are getting ridiculous. I mean come on really. What does it matter where you sit. This is about football. Not seating. It seams like if there is not a good reason to start an argument then someone is going to make one.
  2. Seriously that is just sad
  3. Do the coaches not have to sign that they agree with mpr and cards? I thought I remembered the head coaches to sign the mpr sheet. And if they did they could not come back later and protest the game. It a sad situation for the kids on these teams. Either way it goes one of these teams has been cheated out of something. The game should not have been played until the cards where reviewed. But for some reason it was. Everyone just needs to keep in mind it is all about the kids and the adults acting like children is not going to help anything.
  4. Well all I can say is good luck to the lions on the rest of your season. I hope that they don't let the negativity from all of the "adults" get to them. They should be proud of what they have done this year. The coaches have these kids motivated.Yes they lost to woodville last week and it was a hard lost. But I don't think this team is done yet.
  5. I would not be so quick to say that they can not be beat. They very well can be a strong team but you are talking about 7 and 8 year olds you never know. Maybe they come to play ball that day then again maybe not. I hope that all the teams have a great season weather it is a win or a lose for them that it is fun. And that they do what they are out there to do and that is learn the fundamentals and HAVE FUN. And also that the parents and coaches remember what is all about....THE KIDS
  6. I agree with you numberoneonly the coaches that we have this year are great. They have all these boys pumped.
  7. And people around here wonder why coaches don't stay more then a year. parents need to back off and let the coaches do their jobs. Stop trying to tell them how to do it.
  8. Stjfl also has 2a schools in there too
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