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Everything posted by pancaker66

  1. We dressed in the junior high gym in anahuac. not the pool room. I guess we didn't get the star treatment that others recieve.
  2. Prairie boys! I hope you get one but this team is fast and are pretty disciplined. Good luck!
  3. Anahuac was pretty bad and Tarkingtons is even worse. But it is all a mind game when it comes to bad dressing rooms. the ones at Splendora are some of the nicest ones I have seen yet.
  4. I think Cleveland meshes together this week and gets a win. Make some rattle snake boots indians. I will be there to watch. what you gotta say bout it hound?
  5. Ok, so every opponent especially Cleveland should be worried about. If you make mistakes any team can capitalize on them. Shepherd and Tarkington are not scarey at all but Cleveland has always brought something to the table so I will retract my last statement just on the knowledge that they always have good athletes and the coaching staff over there is talented. Good luck to you guys I hope you win everyone but one, and that one is week 6.
  6. No disrespect bro. I think it will be a game between us and their is always good athletes with yall but it is gonna take another season for those boys to get used to that offense.
  7. Only one that is gonna get a spankin is you. You are one of the people always dogging 22 3A and especially Splendora. Next, year we won't have any of you "Golden Triangle" football gods in our schedule with your Beaumont Referees. Oh, and breakfast was great this morning Jack***. I guess that is the only thing you are gonna comment everytime you reference me. But if you don't shut your mouth you could get turned "upside down and BEAT inside out". Open mouth Insert DD. The only ones in district Splendora is concerned with is Coldspring and Liberty. Both will be close games. but everyone else is gonna fall to the wayside. Predistrict means nothing and everyone knows it is just to get you prepared for district so why pick a bunch of teams that you know are gonna whoop the censored out of you instead of ones that you are gonna be competitive with. Once again "PRAISE BE TO THE ALPHA AND OMEGA OF FOOTBALL, THE GOLDEN TRIANGLE AND THE REST OF EAST TEXAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
  8. Anyone who says OF,Woodville,HF, and Diboll aren't tough team can get SADD. With the exception of Anahuac all of these teams are great games to play. It is hilarious how everyone had Anahuac whooping the mess out of Splendora and now that this didn't happen the tables have turned to "They are no good"! That's ok. Last year all you Golden Triangle people are always dogging us over here and we are used to it. I guess yall are the Center of the universe from which all highschool football came from. Where the alpha and omega of the grid iron sprang from. For that, O gracious lords from the Golden Triangle we are gracious that yall even let us play football. Many Praises!!!! PRAISE Golden Triangle and East Texas Teams cause they are the best of all time!!!!!!!
  9. If you wanna play like that I am sure the band could use a few more flute players.
  10. Luke, we were wondering where you were this year. Need to get in on some more posts.
  11. Dude! You really have your facts mixed up and you are just making an a** of yourself on here cause you have no clue what you are talking about. The coaches that came from Splendora and went to Cleveland coached BOYS track and BOYS basketball, but have been at Splendora through the good and the bad years in the recent past and whom of which are great RB and OL coaches. Shut your mouth because their is nothing but crap and lies that come out of it. (Open mouth insert DD)
  12. Ok! I am tired of people comparing Anahuac and Woodville and how Splendora will have problems with Anahuac because they had problems with Woodville. Anahuac couldn't even step on the same field as Woodville as Splendora didn't compete with them defensively at all. Get off of Woodville and think of the GOFAC that you are going to recieve by those WILDCATS! GATA! CATS
  13. Yeah the breakfast comment was pretty dang funny. I believe that this is the o line coach from the good ole days. Hope you guys over there are winning, and good luck to you this week.
  14. Ill take Coldspring in a close one. 25-27
  15. No one is getting mad just letting you know that you can LASS at any point. LOL I think u need to be worried about Lumberton right now like rooster said.
  16. there is no trash talking besides what you are doing. we are just having arguments over our views on certain teams. I trash talk in real life and finish that with the other person being silent. Anyway good luck to the Wildcats. I hope you shut up all the East Texas Nea sayers over there.
  17. You make no sense when you make posts. I believe that Splendora's D is making strides in the right direction. If you would had watched the game "LUCK" had nothing to do with the W. It was their D that held OF in the 4th so they could get the go ahead touchdown. Know the facts before your mouth spits out things it doesn't know and can't back up.
  18. Rooster get in your hen house and FADD!
  19. Rooster: Get SADD and then get Bruce
  20. Woodville by 2 TD's atleast.
  21. Anyone who says that HF or Woodville are average teams needs to get off of this page. HF is a very fast, young and a well coached team, Woodville's offense is one of the fastest and most athletic around. Orangefield is no Woodville or no HF but they do look to have good players. Will be a good game. Hope to be able to see it Friday night.
  22. I think Splendora will finally mesh together this week and fix what has been wrong with their cohesiveness. Last year they started out the same way 0-2 going into o-f and came out 0-3 but I think this year the Wildcats will come out on top. Good luck Splendora and for all the doubters on this page get SADD!!!!
  23. Tarkington, OPTION???? Yeah it is going to interesting alright.
  24. Hampsire wins this one big
  25. I like my crow served up hot with a little tabasco. Good game Horns. Hat is off to ya.
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