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purple people eaters

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Everything posted by purple people eaters

  1. There have been alot of replys to this thread and I can tell you this for certain that it wasnt a clock problem or a locked door its was a case of just tryin g to be an a$$hole because there is such a dislike among the 2 schools and this comes from a Crosby Football players mom that i am great friends with. No matter how you have read this thread whether you agree or disagree when it comes down to where the rubber meets the road it is wrong on so many levels. Ok if the coach of Crosby is unpatrotic then by all means I hear Cuba is looking for some football coaches. I am by far a true blue die hard Broncos fan and yes I will defend them if I can but long before that I was and still am a flag waving American and am very proud to say so. For all of those who gave some and to those who gave all God Bless You and to those of you who do not or will not stand for the American Flag our borders are open to the north and the south fill feel free to take a hike in either direction..................
  2. Ok here I go for the last 2 years I have went and watched the Dayton/Crosby game and both years something happened that just really gets to me, why must a coach who is supposed to a mentor to our children show such disreguard for our flag by not being on the field for our National Athem. It really chaps my backside to see this because it is teaching our younger generation that bucking the system is ok. Now I am a father with a son in the U.S. Navy and as I spoke wth him about this it really made his blood boil as it did mine, if everyone will remember just exactly what the flag stands for and the price that was paid for defending it. It is because of the American men and women that died so that we as Americans can go out on a Friday night and enjoying watching these young men play a game. Correct me if I am wrong but didn't a Medal Of Honor reciepent live in Crosby and didn't just about the whole town come out to pay their respects when this man passed away, well folks I do believe that this gentleman would be real ashamed to know that this went down Friday night. Who cares about the rivalry this is all about RESPECT!!!!!!
  3. Ok once again it's my turn to chime in, my girlfriends kids go to Crosby as well as some of my best friends I went to watch Crosby scrimmage against Texas City andI was not impressed at all, the Coogs have a very well coached team and some outstanding talent but and yes there is a but if they come into Dayton with the big head because they beat us last year it may not be a pretty game, yes Dayton started off slow and like usual they are getting pumped up and ready for playoff's. I one am from the other side of Crosby and graduated from C.E. King back when they were the team to beat, and with Crosby getting their butt's kicked 90% of the game last week against King they need to come ready to play later this month. I will give the Coogs props though they scratched and fought their way back and yes even pulled out a win, and here is another but if they play G.P. like that or come to Dayton and play that way I honestly believe it will not be finished in the same manner. Now with all that said I am going out on a limb here and saying Crosby 35 G.P.28 and then it's Dayton 42 Crosby 21....
  4. Ok well it's my turn to chime in now. Let me start by saying that I am a huge Bronco fan to the point where I am told that I must bleed PURPLE, I have to say that we do have a really good team this year we have alot of talent a lot of speed the one thing we are lacking is on field leadership,I honestly believe that Xavier Baldwin being the kind of kid he is that if he stepped up to the role of leader that the others would follow suit. Now along with what I said about speed Jakari Delaspor is probly one of if not the fastest players in this district, now if he could learn to hang on to the ball in traffic he is one you could possibly see on a Saturday afternoon with a Division 1A school, don't get me wrong there are a few others that could learn to take care off the ball as well. The biggest issue I see with the Broncos is that this hurry up offense that they have been using the last several years is played out, yeah it was an awesome idea at first but when you use hand signals like we do it does'nt take very long for the other teams to figure out what we are gonna do exspecially if you run the same cotton pickin play 20 or 30 times a game. But like I said we have a good team not great but good, we have just got to play the good ole SMASH MOUTH Dayton Bronco football. ;D ;D ;D ;D
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