You people from BH have got to be ashamed. I know thousands of poeple from BH and Dayton and most all of them are respectable and very hard working. Usually the athletes from BH are hard working and honorable. Whoever you idiots are that get on this website and talk trash about kids are complete morons..!!!! Nobody from Dayton cheated you, nobody from Dayton gives a Sh*t how much money you have, and nobody from Dayton deserves you badmouthing their kids. For that matter... Nobody from BH deserves to have their kids badmouthed on this, or any, website either. Athletics are about KIDS, not you freakin' wanna be athletes that are trying to live your lives through the successes of your kids or athletes of your schools. If any of you have ever played sports you would know that sometimes stuff happens and you get hosed on a call or event. And you know what... sometimes you do something wrong and it DOESN'T get called...!!! I have the utmost respect for BOTH programs : Dayton and BH. I think people should use this website for talking about things that really matter in sports : accomplishments, awards, information sharing... NOT pissin' and moaning and badmouthing kids. Like I said before... MOST people from BH and Dayton are very competitve and honorable people. If I was a parent or someone from BH... I would be ashamed of the idiots that are representing ya'll on this website... "What goes around, comes around" What an idiot!!!