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Everything posted by fortheloveofthegame22

  1. Im going to say the one where Deberry "fumbled" the ball wasnt a fumble not bashing against anything the refs let them play FOOTBALL some calls were missed yes but that didnt make any difference in the game. Deberrys' arm was at his head a good 3 ft from where it started when he fumbled it he was clearly already passing the ball.
  2. Who's doin the setx broadcast tonight ?
  3. Congrats to both sides. Silsbee and Huffman. Great game it came down to the wire! Silsbee had a great comeback! Both teams Ds werent doin too hot tonight but the Os were on. Great stadium i love the layout of Provost Umphrey. GOOD LUCK NEXT WEEK HUFFMAN! Now its time to watch CS and BC tomorrow night here @ home.
  4. [quote name="GoPanthers99" post="891278" timestamp="1288411994"] I actually attended the game... The guys in stripes were the reason for he Huffman loss...but overall both teams played great and mad props goes out to huffmans defense, they surprise the heck out of a ton f people. [/quote] I completely agree i was at the game, there was some calls that should of been made every play against CS and somehow they werent, i saw instances where the stripes would see it and quickly turn there heads away so they wouldnt see it. What really got me hot was the opening kick off how can we kick an onside kick, it not go 10 yards but it get touched by an opposing player on the receiving team and a Huffman player land on the ball and the whistle be blow with the ball in the arms of a Huffman player on top of it and come up to be CS ball? ??? ??? ??? Maybe i'm blind i hope not but everyone around me saw exactly what i saw and wasnt too happy with the call. Other than the stripes it was a GREAT game and for those of you that said it would be CS by a ton of points i guess you didn't really pay attention when you posted those numbers. Congrats CS. Good luck next week. I will be going to watch Silsbee play against HF. Good luck in Play-Offs CS & Huffman. Until next year CS gets another victory over Huffman.
  5. 30 minutes to game time. not going to b a lot of updates tonight bad reception
  6. I see everybody posting about how well Coldsprings is on the ground and how well huffman is in the air i havent seen anything else other than that. How is Coldsprings ball handling etc. Do they fumble a lot, when they do pass how many interceptions have been thrown?  Just because Huffmans "D" is weak and there "O" is great in the air what if both teams come in and its just not there best nights etc. i dont see it being a high scoring game on either side im going to say huffman by 1 TD. Until i hear anything about ball handling coldsprings side im going to stick to that. Huffman - 21 Coldsprings - 14
  7. I dont see Coldsprings by big i see to teams fighting until the end at each others neck thus why im not putting a score im just putting a real close game.
  8. Lets see em. i say a close game possibly high scoring but maybe not.
  9. I was a memeber of the falcon band, i went to area in 09 :) and graduated in 09! best of luck to both bands i expect them to represent us well!
  10. That to coach mac, huffman broke a few school records tonight i believe. Lookin forward to a great game next week. Anyone know anything about Silsbee, what they are looking like etc?!
  11. Final 56-14, beech u gonna be @ coldsprings game?
  12. Huffman - 35 Cleveland - 14 1:39 3rd quarter
  13. The best part of this game could be watching 2 bands attending uil area marching tomorrow @ sfa. Good luck to both Bands
  14. Going into the half score is: Huffman - 20 Cleveland - 14
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