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Everything posted by hssportsfan

  1. I hope they offer it to Coach Jackson formerly of Deweyville. He would be a good fit. Just my $0.02 worth.
  2. That will hurt.....not alot of basketball knowledge within. Hey....call McCarter....he used to coach there. ;D
  3. Kent, I am happy for you that you are moving close to home, but I hate that you have to leave our school to do it. I have enjoyed watching your basketball teams play and appreciate you working with my son in your first year here. My wife and I will miss you and your family. What WH will miss most of all is your dedication to the kids and the lessons you teach by the life you lead. I hope to see you when I return from Korea. Good Luck in your new job. You will be hard to replace.
  4. "not were there are redneck's screaming curse word's" HUMMMM....I bet you won't be able to find one redneck on HD's side of the stands in HD.....not a chance....and if you do he surely wouldn't say a curse word......not a chance. Back to some logical discussion. Zach and Brandon were a huge part of WH's program for 4 years, but it doesn't quite end there. There is some good talent on this years team. HD will have some good talent. It should be a good game if we can keep them darn rednecks from affecting the outcome of the game. Oh, luck had nothing to do with the outcome last year.
  5. Congrats Brandon from Seoul,Korea. I wanted to be in Austin and watch, but my flight got moved up. I am proud for you. I will talk to you when I return home
  6. Congrats guys.......also Letsinger will be there in High Jump in 1A. Should be some gold coming home from Austin between HD and WH.
  7. Crawford suspended indefinitely per ESPN.com
  8. Depending on how the board rezones the Lee-Sterling boundaries and the addition of a 3rd high school in Baytown, Lee might move down to 4A with the new school going in at 3A.
  9. I heard Letsinger jumped 6'8" in the high jump. Was it at this meet?
  10. whsalum said it right. Losing Letsinger, Simmons and Tomlinson will be very tough. Letsinger has been the heart and soul of this team for 4 years. Some other boys are going to have to turn it up a notch or three. Tyler will be solid and Hashaw needs to get physical down low. Coach Fuller will really have to step it up next year.
  11. Shhhhhhhh spinks........don't wake him. But to your post, it is the best right now.
  12. I agree with warfan, what does that person mean to the sucess of their team.
  13. Here we go again.....same song just 509th verse. Sing it again ltown.....you have no input, just want to continue to run down 2 people. Go to class and let the intelligent conversation continue.
  14. Great season Kent. 30-3 is something many coaches and teams dream of. You and these kids got to live it (as well as many of us fans). I thank you for the way you handle yourself around these kids. You are an example to all of us. I am looking forward to next year. Seniors, I know you wanted this ride to end in Austin, but this was a great time none the less.
  15. Good night all....early morning tomorrow to be in Nac at 9:30. Good Luck to all teams and safe travel to and from. Be Safe.
  16. Good job guys....congrats coach Joubert. Good Luck tomorrow night.
  17. Start the 4th on fire HJ....end their dream.
  18. I will say that I in no way am saying WH will win, but MM is going to have to earn it. One thing I do know about our guys is they will not just roll over and give you the W.
  19. So footballmamma, what you are telling us is if the MM coach wanted them to only score 25 he would have had his team make that happen? Hmmmm......I think BS turned it over way too much or it would have been a tight game down the stretch. I just have to believe that if the coach had that much control, he would have held them to zero points to assure the win.
  20. The oilers are 30-2 and 95% of the fans sit and then stand when it is needed. I think it is great for the students to stand and yell, just not in the middle of everyone that is sitting and watching. Not all fans are 15-18 years old. That being said, I think the turnout for WH was awesome for a 10am game on a Friday.
  21. Actually, we ran into a few MM fans eating after the game and they had bible verses on the back of their MM shirts. Really nice folks.
  22. Big Sandy very well could have won this game. Turnovers killed them. Great season guys.
  23. I have greater faith that we can win after watching the BS vs. Martin Mill game today. Big Sandy just turned the ball over too much. You cannot do that with this team. Some of the turnovers were forced, but most were just plain bad ball handling. #42 for MM is a good shooter and can penetrate the D.
  24. Ok Ltown......I challenge you to post for 3 days without mentioning Brandon Letsinger, Coach Fuller or West Hardin. I hope you can; it will be a welcome relief.
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