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Everything posted by TheSwami

  1. Another coach gone along with the principal and now the superintendent. Sad thing is the Coach was a true bobcat. And he was done very wrong by the new AD. But it is nothing some of us did not expect when the decision was made. Hope it is a wake up call to others who seem to ignore what has really been done. Experience is a good quality in an AD. Can't say it enough. This politically corrupt school board is getting what it deserves.
  2. Spurger was up pretty good at half when they played in Spurger also. I guess the refs were for HD there as well? Maybe it is just who has better halftime adjustments.
  3. OK enough with the bad-mouthing Reality. I happen to respect what Coach Lilley came and did here for the basketball program. In case you forgot your son has been to the playoffs his freshman and sophomore years. And I think it is pretty good coaching just to have been tied up with West Hardin with 3 min. left, last year. AT WEST HARDIN!!! But lets also remember 2 years ago when HD had to beat Henry's Evadale team with Daws to secure a playoff spot. And he did it with a lot of Freshmen and Sophomores. So CSI if you read this good luck to you and it looks like you made the right choice, because apparently winning isn't good enough for some people.
  4. Lumberton has to fill his teaching position before they release him from his contract. That is why nothing is for sure yet.
  5. He is the state champion in the 100 and 200. Anderson and Elliott alternated every other play at quarterback.
  6. My opinion is unbiased I gave you several candidates. You are the one that seems to be biased towards one. I am not going to argue here, just stating my opinion and answering your questions for the last couple of posts. And yes I think an ex-coach and long time bobcat would be a great choice or a former teacher. Any thing that deals with the kids at school should be handled by people that have been at the school as a teacher or coach. So in my opinion, put the Superintendent, the three principals, a teacher or coach, and a member of the community preferably a retired teacher or coach. Then submit to board for approval. No sense in a board member presenting a person to himself. I know you are upset about this, I saw that at the last board meeting. You do not have to like my opinion but it is my opinion. And this whole thing is out of our hands and we can do nothing about it. Our opinions are just that, we just respect that and move on. Bottom line is we both want what is best for the kids. Hope you understand that I am not arguing with you!
  7. Most of the community here just thinks that that board member was not the right choice for the committee. Whether it is him being too close to the family or just he has no clue as far as athletics go. I could see Walker or Daigle being on the committee. They would be the most qualified to choose. You could even put one of the current coaches on the committee they are the ones that have to work with the guy. I guess the rankings would need to be made public because apparently they got caught in a lie. I talked to Huddleston and he said they told him he was number two, then three, now he is not in the top five. Who knows if there was even a ranking. It just seems fishy. I agree with you though, the ship is sinking can they pick a candidate qualified enough to save it?
  8. Mr. Reality, you say just get the boys a coach but wouldn't you want the MOST qualified coach to coach your son. And I never said anything bad about the school board, just do not agree with the actions of one. And isn't Joe Allen kin to that board member by marriage?
  9. You are right highsky, the way things have gone there is no telling what is next.
  10. According to a couple of former board members: policy is if you are not approved by the board, and a deadlock is a no approval, they will have a new committee assigned to interview the second and third place candidate and the new committee will pick one of those two and present them to the board for approval in the next board meeting. But once you are not approved your name is out of the hat. This is what I have been told.
  11. They cannot revote, they can however take the number 2 and 3 man let them interview and recommend one of them.
  12. Funny thing is the kids know that the whole interview committee was rigged against Huddleston. No way that school board member should have been anywhere close to the interview much less vote. A lot of the kids showed up to the meeting last night in support of Huddleston. And it looks like most of the community supports him too. I want to say good job to the community, kids, and half of the school board for seeing that nothing about this was right. I do feel sorry for Slack and Huddleston because a board member is messing with the lives and families of two good men. He could have hurt Slack more than anything. I hope he has not resigned from Hardin yet. I hope the board member now knows that cheating doesn't help. Good luck Huddleston in the upcoming election and good luck to Slack in your coaching career also. And as I have said before, it is never a good idea to go back home and coach or teach.
  13. Things have gotten interesting. Board did not approve Slack with a 3-3 deadlock and a no vote. July 9th is supposed to be the next board meeting and Huddleston is supposed to be up for AD and the board will vote.
  14. I know, and I am not uptight. It is just some people can't read a post and understand it before they post something. I am just saying the relationship between Coach Slack and the kids at Hardin or Liberty is on a whole other level. Daisetta kids are more like friends and some parents are good friends.
  15. Yeah it is a little. But most are Sophomores I think. Coach Hooker how many sophomores are among the 20 starters coming back?
  16. Last I checked we were NOT talking about Hardin!
  17. Those twenty starters will now be sophomores. Not very good. Give them two years if the AD stays.
  18. That is the point BigDaddy, he knows the players and a few too well. Related to some to top it off. He is too good of friends with a lot of them to be taken seriously.
  19. Huddleston has earned his stripes, and he is ready to be a head coach. Slack's credentials shouldn't even give him an interview. But word is kinfolk on the board is better than experience. Sounds like Bobcat@3D is also kin to Slack. Worst thing Slack could do is move to his hometown. He will not get any respect there at his age and level of experience. The Coaching graveyard is full of hometown heroes that went back home to early. And 3d think before you type, to actually say how many players his defense sent to college. Uhh lets see in 1A not many make it and last year you had no one close to making it talent wise or size wise. So maybe you should wait about two years and see. The talent is supposed to be coming up. And if you really want to look bad you might just ask Huddleston how many of his players have gone to college. He will even answer you with a few pro players.
  20. Merryville was a bigger 1A team than expected. Point guard was 6-4, 240lbs, 2 guard was 6-5, 190lbs, rest of team was 6-3, and averaged about 210. HD led at half by 6 but the big guys went inside the second half and was to big for HD. HD played a good game, will not see size like that the rest of the year. The big point guard was 4 for 5 from about 25 feet out. Amazing to watch the range he had.
  21. Being friends with a couple of the present and former coaches at HD, and hearing all the hype about this game I decided to go and I agree with Oiler fan it was a good game until half and the bobcats looked like a different team the second half. There was no intensity anymore. When they lined up against each other, by the second quarter you could tell West Hardin was bigger and more physical than HD. That is basically the bottom line. Off night on the passing game did not help either. If you can't throw a little bit then those 5-6 yard gains start turning to -2 yard losses. I also asked why the Elliot kid did not rotate in. And I agree with the coaches because of his ankle, they said it was horrible looking. So don't risk him getting sacked and getting his ankle turned anymore. I thought it would be closer but it wasn't. West Hardin wanted the game more and it showed, you can't coach that. I see a lot of support and confidence from the oiler fans and a lot of finger pointing from the HD fans. Just remember the kids read this too. Be careful what you say and who your saying it about. And try to encourage not put down. I believe HD is playing with a lot of 10 and 11 graders. I thought they played well against a stronger, more experienced WH group of kids. Good luck to both teams in the playoffs. Swami.
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