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Everything posted by GetSome

  1. WOS may win, but not by 3 scores...should be a little closer game, don't you think?
  2. Four goodness sake...would y'all shut the four up???
  3. [quote name="BADSANTA" post="904982" timestamp="1289535716"] Defense! Play some defense guys! Force a turnover! [/quote] I think both teams left the defenses at home...
  4. Take advantage!!!  Put it away Tigers.
  5. Not looking too good for the Hometown Tigers...
  6. [quote name="WOSgrad" post="904839" timestamp="1289532138"] Silsbee returned the kickoff 95 yds for the TD.  2pt conversion good. Huffman 27, Silsbee 22 [/quote] I have lost the feed to the game.  Is it on the radio?
  7. [quote name="Penny" post="903958" timestamp="1289453384"] Good point, and everyone knows that at this age, the coaches win the games.  This is a coaches game.  Great job beating all the other coaches.  [/quote] I am not sure to what extent your sarcasm is trying to reach or what point you are trying to make; however, I will tell you this...it is a combination of coaches [u]and[/u] kids.  If you take a great group of athletic young men and put them under a group of well-meaning yet unexperienced and/or unknowledgeable coaches, you may not get the result you had wished for.  That being said, you take a group of mediocre but hard-working athletes and place them under a disciplined, seasoned coach with a good plan and a lot of times you can pull it off.  Like I said, it is a conbination of the two...but don't sell short the effectiveness of a good coaching staff.
  8. I am not sure if this is boxing or football...but I like it!
  9. [quote name="thetragichippy" post="894808" timestamp="1288721190"] Elhector,    I have been a coach and helped out around the field as well. I have not thought about trying to get on any board because I don't like the politics that go with it.  I would prefer to pay my money, coach the kids and have a good time.     As for the concession stand, I really don't think the few people I see bringing in food make that much of a difference. What I do think would make a difference if the concession stand was run more like a business than a kid's Lemonade stand. Most concession stands I have seen have no accounting at all.....or should I say, no accounting that would pass in any business I have run. Again, just my thoughts, they are not directed at any one organization.     I know as a coach, I put up with lot of "stuff" from parents. Not all, but you always have that one or two that get under your skin. I know that going in, yet I continue to coach.......why?  Because at the end of the day it's all worth it......at least for me.    So, try and keep a positive attitude.......remember, its all about the kids       [/quote] T'hippy,  Your last comment makes more sense than all of our back and forth BS.  It is what I have tried to convey from the beginning.  It is a non-issue.  Thanks for wrapping it up so plainly.  Everyone else, take note...
  10. [quote name="MoFo" post="893811" timestamp="1288636361"] Elhector you are in the wrong league, or you need to have a serious talk to your board. Last week I reffed, ran the chains, concessioned, finally got to coach, and then I got to stay late and help clean up. This is a typical game day for all of our coaches and parents [/quote] Amen & thanks MoFo!  I am sure Elharrasser was referring to me at the beginning of his rant; however, I am dealing in facts, not assumptions.  I take part in all facets of participation.  Previous Board Member, Coach, Spectator, Volunteer (including cleaning, mowing, watering and striping fields) and most importantly Parent of an enthusiastic young player.
  11. [quote name="mfd814" post="893425" timestamp="1288596197"] Again,  small children, toddlers, and even breast feeding is appropriate.  Just no coolers, picnics for everyone, or if you must , have it at your car.  IF there is not a rule in place at your league, its all good.  But if there is, please be understanding.  [/quote] I actually support the breastfeeding thing.  I'm just sayin...
  12. [quote name="mfd814" post="892655" timestamp="1288508072"] That was sarcasm at its best.    Team snacks and water do not count as bringing in outside food to feed an army.  As far as the rules go. I will abide by them.  If I must have something that I cannot get or cannot afford from the concession stand it is in my car, and I will have it there.  [/quote] I appreciate your stance, and it is an honorable thing to abide by the rules, even if they are stupid ones.  Look, if someone eats their crappy homemade sandwich in their car or in the stands, the concession stand still gets no revenue.  I do not have the luxury of leaving the park, and I am there for hours.  I DARE anyone to try and stop me from eating a healthier meal than most all of the concession stands provide.
  13. Raider, you are correct, rules are rules.  So all of you team moms and dads, I guess you need to quit bringing snacks and drinks for 1/2 time and for after the game for the team to enjoy.  You know, the ones that every team I have ever been associated with request parents to bring on a rotating basis.  On that note, I guess we should be buying the concession stand bottled water too instead of providing our team a water keg and squeeze bottles on the sidelines (after all, rules are rules)...  Does anyone pick up on the sarcasm, because I am laying it on pretty thick.  The practice of outside food being brought in is not crippling our league budgets.  If the concession people think it is then they should serve some better food for us to eat.  By the way, at the Texans game I can get a gourmet salad, hamburgers, hot dogs, Mexican food, prime cut bbq, baked potato stuffed with whatever I can imagine, the list goes on and on.  Hardly a good comparison.  Plus the Texans games are on private property and the tickets cost upwards from $75 for the cheap seats.  Finally, I can drink as much beer as I want at a Texans game (as long as I have a wallet full of money).  Serve beer at the local concession stand and I won't eat anything all day!
  14. [quote name="queenb77630" post="891134" timestamp="1288409183"] [quote author=GetSome link=topic=75006.msg890479#msg890479 date=1288392402] Respectfully, Queenb, no they do not deserve the same media attention as the High School Varsity teams do.  Could the media throw them a bone, like covering the STJFL Superbowl results? Sure.  With your line of thinking, every game of marbles or hopscotch would end up on the 6 o'clock news.  My son has played in the STJFL for three years and I am lucky enough to coach him.  He will have his chance for the Friday Night Lights.  Until then, his family gives him all the recognition he needs and deserves... [/quote] my son has played for STJFL for 3 years also.  I have to disagree with you.  Of course, it is just my opinion, that during the playoffs, especially the superbowl, the kids do deserve to be recognized by the media.  They practice hard and play even harder.  If you know me, then you also know that my husband and I 100% support our son.  Do you know me?   Seems like everyone knows me. [/quote] If they want to make mention of a Superbowl champ...great.  Past that, it's overkill.  What about the soccer boys/girls.  What about little dribblers, baseball, select teams, the chess club, karate and judo, boy scout patches, a girl having her period for the first time...can we put things in perspective?  They will get their chance.
  15. [quote name="teamraider" post="891073" timestamp="1288408199"] Each association makes their own rules on concessions, but all have the same general rule that most other youth sports organizations have and that is no outside food or drinks allowed. The concession stand pays for game officials that generally costs $150.00 per game. Small venues have to reduce their fees in order to keep participation up and that is usually only enough to pay for jerseys and equipment. While some larger associations are able to maintain a surplus it wouldn't be enough to pay for the refs all year. If concessions continue to be problem it will either become a league rule or reduce the number or quality of the officials. [/quote] Sorry teamraider, I cannot totally agree with your viewpoint.  I am assuming you are from Lumberton by your name.  Lumberton has plenty of money in their account.  Ask Chris or Danny or Mike, and I am sure they will agree. This late in the season, all refs have been paid for and there is still quite a surplus.  I understand your point; however, outside food and drinks are not crippling our teams.  If the smaller venues cannot make it without these sales, simply post an attendant at the front of the gate at each game to police the infractions.  Additionally, the refs could be paid for by fundraisres or a nominal increase in fees ($5 per kid) to help pay for this or a combination of the two.  Look, if I want a diet Mountain Dew and your concessions don't provide that, I'm bringing it in.  If I cannot stomach another link on a bun or frito pie, I might be tempted to bring a healthier option from home.  I get to the game 1 to 2 hours beforehand, I am with my team for the duration of the game (including 1/2 time) and I may stick around to scout an upcoming opponent.  I cannot always leave and I am ready to eat something or drink something other than what the concession stand has to offer.  I do purchase items from the local concession stand, but I refuse to be tied to just that.
  16. [quote name="thetragichippy" post="890724" timestamp="1288401430"] You ever think the few who do it, may not have the money? To me, if single Mom brings chips for her kids.....big deal. Maybe thats all she can afford. [/quote] Be careful tragichippy...that comment makes waaayyyy too much sense.  Some of that might rub off on some of these other "posters" and before you know it, they may begin to make sense too.  We can't have that, now can we?...
  17. [quote name="mfd814" post="890804" timestamp="1288403111"] A mother feeding a young child is way different then a mom bringing a picnic for the family. There are still rules. If you want to feed them what you bring, go out to your car at halftime or after the game. They are not requiring you to purchase anything. I've been there, and have gone out to my car at the half. Just respect the league rules. [/quote] It is not the league rules.  It varies at each venue.  Some places could care less if you bring food in or not.  If you show up with food and you dont know the rules for that particular park, I guess you could throw it away so as not to offend anyone.  Regardless, the league has plenty of money to go around.  This a non-issue.
  18. [quote name="jg69421080" post="885908" timestamp="1287888659"] For all of you that attending any games this weekend that disreguarded the signs everyone puts out about no outside food or drink I just want to say thanks. Some of you people do not understand that referees cost money $50 a game per referee. That means for just 4 games it costs the home team $550. I am not going to  mention any town names today, and it wasn't all people, but some of you who walked past 2 signs in neon and continued to disreguard the sign I again thank you. [/quote] Dear jg6942..br549, Aside from the urge to correct your spelling and grammar, I would also like to say, quit complaining about trivial stuff that really has no effect on the football games or the league in general.  These STJFL teams raise plenty of money.  I know, I pay quite a bit for my son to play every year.  I also coach his team.  The league has a surplus of funds [u]every[/u] year.  Have you ever gone over the speed limit...ever?  There are signs that prominently post the speed limit.  There are people that die in car wrecks every day due to speeding.  My insurance premiums raise every year due to the high cost of auto repair, medical bills and life insurance payouts.  Thanks for speeding and causing my insurance premiums to skyrocket.  Sounds stupid, doesn't it.  Well, so does your post.
  19. Respectfully, Queenb, no they do not deserve the same media attention as the High School Varsity teams do.  Could the media throw them a bone, like covering the STJFL Superbowl results? Sure.  With your line of thinking, every game of marbles or hopscotch would end up on the 6 o'clock news.  My son has played in the STJFL for three years and I am lucky enough to coach him.  He will have his chance for the Friday Night Lights.  Until then, his family gives him all the recognition he needs and deserves...
  20. I love this thread more than anything else.  I just cancelled my UFC subscription beacause this is just as entertaining, almost as bloody and it's free!  Let me give some perspective to the whole thing.  Most people in the stands and virtually none of the football players and probably very few of the half-time performers even care.  This discontent has been propagated more or less by stupid parents (oh, sorry puma42) and people that have nothing better to do than to complain about things they cannot control.  This, in my humble opinion, is all that is left to say..."Good win Nederland...Lumberton, better get yourselves together before the Central game... Half-time performers, great effort, we appreciate you, great show..."  Everybody else, quit teaching our kids how to act ridiculous and the art of complaining (hope I did not offend anyone's Drama dept).  Man that felt good...
  21. I would like to comment on the quality but the one I ordered at last years' Superbowl has never been delivered.  My son played in the WOS vs Lum Red Flag.  Paid for it at the table and that's all she wrote.  Any chance I can get a copy still?
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