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Everything posted by ncplaya

  1. what about the girls? what team will do good in this district?
  2. who is clyde and what does he do?
  3. theres nothing wrong with Vela. The've been playing about like one would expect. He's a good coach. All that talent???? Yeah, they have some talent but obviously you havent seen the talent that Cleveland and Coldspring have as well. It's a totally different level of talent. two totally different styles of basketball as well.
  4. well, Go-rilla, i guess since biggens left we can go over and hang out on the other hs sports section.
  5. actaully, its not funny at all. it should be embarrassing for that guy. we still got love for ya biggen.
  6. man, I'm hard at it right now.
  7. obviously, do some work.
  8. They still got beat by Tarkington last year. Coldspring, Tarkington, and Liberty will battle it out for first.
  9. come on history guys. calm down
  10. Brian Robison,UT, Splendora High School (State discus Record)
  11. that was funny!!
  12. my bad.
  13. hey biggen, I'd watch out. Remember the dog catcher incident? Backspin goes off.
  14. I'll never be converted! They tried to my first year by making me coach it but I won. I'll never cross to the dark side. Biggen you dissapoint me.
  15. Nederland- Feb. 16 Bay City- Feb. 24 Barbers Hill- March 2/3
  16. I agree, Splendora and Coldspring will fight it out for first with coldspring probably winning it, and Liberty in 3rd again.
  17. I agree on the 2nd team thing, but no one cheated him. you know the game.
  18. who cheated white out of all-district?
  19. Splendora Guy, your innitials wouldn't be C.R. would they?
  20. well, if you read half of the last posts, you would see that most people werent talking about the kid. they were talking about the situation. People stating their opinions like you just did, bobcatbeliever.
  21. so a kid can lead the district in interceptions and also get beat more than anyone in the district and should be first team? thats all stats. getting beat isnt on the stats. but he has the stats to be first team.
  22. this is a comment to the interception comment earlier. Just b/c someone leads in interceptions doesn't mean he is the best DB in the District. There might be 6-8 other DB's in the District that are better and have shut down teams but not got picks. You can have 5 picks and get beat just as many times and that will kill you. thats why you can't go by stats, you have to go by difference in game planning and what he did.
  23. they do 1 District MVP, 1 offensive MVP, 1 defensive MVP, and a special teams MVP. once they get one of those they can't get anything else.
  24. SPLENDORA nathan riddick-1st QB Matt Byrd- District MVP DonJuan- Defensive MVP Connel- 1st P and more.... TARKINGTON Kenneth hudnall- 1st LB Jared Miller- 1st WR Wade Taylor- 1st WR Diego Melgar- 1st K Chase Evans- 2nd DB/2ndWR Anthony Brooks- 2nd QB John Fortune- 2nd OL Randy Stout- 2nd LB and more....
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