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Everything posted by ncplaya

  1. It was 6-3
  2. no, it was 6-3
  3. I really could care less about BH but this scrimmage did not matter so no need to get worked up. Cleveland is good and will murder their district. Dayton got beat by a 3A as well and they arent crying about the upcoming season. they will go out and win district just like they did last year. Scrimmages are to see what you need to work on, not to win. Winning a scrimmage doesnt mean crap. Ask the Texans, they always win during the pre-season. lol.
  4. Now thats funny. Falcon, no one was even talking about him. Why you try at least getting into the double digits of posts before you start cracking gay jokes on people.
  5. Wow, pantherplaya agreed with me. The new coach at T=town will do fine. Gorilla, hows two-a days going?
  6. You don't get fired by TISD. You get fed up with the crap and leave. Why do you think there is such a turnover? Not b/c of the kids and not b/c anyone got fired. I will leave it at that.
  7. maybe he has but chose to go 3 rounds deep instead.....
  8. Dude Abides, It was two coaches that were already on staff and decided to better themselves. The spots were there. They were obviously replaced with non coaching teaching spots. And if you knew anything about Tarkington you would know that they were short on coaches already but you dont. You just know him. Regardless, i hope they overcome all of this and find a way to get some wins. The senior group that is coming up for them is a fun group and needs some wins.
  9. We are: Freshman= 8-11 Jv/Var= 4-8 Lifting, film, etc is figured in as well
  10. Now I never said he wasnt a good guy. And I didnt know him as a coach so could have been a good one as well. But from an athletic standpoint, he is not good for athletics as a Sup. if you have never coached for him you cannot understand.
  11. Carpenter will be a good fit for the program. The reason Carr left is b/c they had two coaches leave and he was told by the Sup. that he would not be able to replace them. As soon as they get rid of JK they will be in better shape all around athletically.
  12. Any word on T-Town? 2-a days starts Monday? is Denise Johnson going to be the HC?
  13. Crosby. With Chris 'Sam' Wiggins taking over the helm and with the guys they have coming back they will be a BEAST.
  14. I stick with my prediction. Your height, weight, and 40 times dont win the games.
  15. Wiggins will do a great job there. He knows his stuff!!!
  16. Cleveland by at least 21. They have a lot back and some new speed at QB.
  17. There is always one school in every district that it doesnt make sense why they are in there. Driving past schools to play schools etc.
  18. There will also be Porter High and New Caney High coming into 4A
  19. Lufkin 7, thats wierd. They lost two d-lineman and their JV was horrible
  20. 15-6 at District and 15-0 at Regionals.
  21. 5A- I dont know if you count New Caney as SETX but they had a boy pole vaulter qualify.
  22. Thats funny stuff! Theres always going to be haters when a sports team gets something nice. Teachers talking about books, band talking about flutes, etc. Congrats to Hardin on upgrading the facilities. For you people who are complaining, you should have got off your a@# and voted against the bond.
  23. Girls 100 Meter Dash ========================================================================== Meet: * 11.91 2003 Tyson, Huntsville ========================================================================== Finals 1 123 Harris, Daylyn 10 Livingston 13.15 2 10 2 79 Vondenstein, Morga Crosby 13.20 2 8 3 155 Miller, Lauren 10 New Caney 13.64 2 6 Girls 200 Meter Dash ========================================================================== Meet: * 25.96 1998 Kite, Splendora ========================================================================== 1 67 Freeman, Patrice Crosby 26.43 2 10 2 22 Rogers, Josey 09 Barbers Hill 27.48 2 8 3 6 Fleming, Chasity 09 Barbers Hill 27.67 2 6 Girls 400 Meter Dash ======================================================================= Meet: * 58.84 2003 Tyson, Huntsville ======================================================================= 1 96 Chenier, Shavon 09 Galena Park 1:02.80 10 2 23 Silva, Jenna 10 Barbers Hill 1:04.03 8 3 21 Rios, Larissa 10 Barbers Hill 1:04.18 6 Girls 800 Meter Run ========================================================================== Meet: * 2:19.50 2000 Walker, Willis ========================================================================== 1 21 Rios, Larissa 10 Barbers Hill 2:29.23 1 10 2 2 Brewer, Lorna 09 Barbers Hill 2:32.19 1 8 3 164 Young, Molly 09 New Caney 2:35.10 2 6 Girls 1600 Meter Run ======================================================================= Meet: * 5:31.11 2003 Fraser, St Agnes ======================================================================= 1 159 Rodriguez, Caitlin 10 New Caney 6:01.23 10 2 25 White, Sara W. 10 Barbers Hill 6:03.94 8 3 24 Watson, Jewel 11 Barbers Hill 6:04.18 6 Girls 3200 Meter Run ======================================================================= Meet: * 11:23.69 2003 Fraser, St Agnes ======================================================================= 1 159 Rodriguez, Caitlin 10 New Caney 12:32.34 10 2 17 McManus, Abby 10 Barbers Hill 12:45.52 8 3 25 White, Sara W. 10 Barbers Hill 13:08.09 6 Girls 100 Meter Hurdles ========================================================================== Meet: * 15.59 1998 Johnson, Oak Ridge ========================================================================== 1 77 Siggers, Kiari Crosby 16.95 2 10 2 10 Haertig, Brittain 09 Barbers Hill 17.27 2 8 3 11 Hazelwood, Rachel 11 Barbers Hill 17.47 2 6 Girls 300 Meter Hurdles ========================================================================== Meet: * 46.55 2000 Thompson, CE King ========================================================================== 1 11 Hazelwood, Rachel 11 Barbers Hill 53.02 1 10 2 19 Price, Cassidy 10 Barbers Hill 53.86 2 8 3 161 Swinhoe, Cody New Caney 54.45 1 6 Girls 4x100 Meter Relay ======================================================================= Meet: * 48.28 2008 CE King, CE King ======================================================================= 1 Crosby 'A' 50.75 20 1) 67 Freeman, Patrice 2) 77 Siggers, Kiari 3) 79 Vondenstein, Morgan 4) 70 Guillory, Sara 2 New Caney 'A' 53.05 16 1) 158 Reese, Emily 09 2) 155 Miller, Lauren 10 3) 153 Harris, Tamika 10 4) 154 Joslin, Katelyn 10 3 Livingston 'A' 53.90 12 1) 126 Landers, Brittany 10 2) 121 Armstead, Ashley 11 3) 129 Parker, Yasmine 09 4) 123 Harris, Daylyn 10 Girls 4x200 Meter Relay ======================================================================= Meet: * 1:43.30 2008 CE King, CE King ======================================================================= 1 Crosby 'A' 1:50.76 20 1) 77 Siggers, Kiari 2) 70 Guillory, Sara 3) 69 Guillory, Becky 4) 64 Bailey, Nevate 2 Tarkington 'A' 1:52.74 16 1) 196 Kennedy, Destiny 2) 204 Suggs, Courtney 3) 205 Woolridge, Candice 4) 203 Stovall, Taylor 3 New Caney 'A' 1:53.56 12 1) 156 Nelson, Cassie 12 2) 153 Harris, Tamika 10 3) 155 Miller, Lauren 10 4) 150 Brooks, Jennifer 11 Girls 4x400 Meter Relay ======================================================================= Meet: * 4:11.75 2004 Stafford, Stafford ======================================================================= 1 Barbers Hill 'A' 4:18.86 20 1) 2 Brewer, Lorna 09 2) 22 Rogers, Josey 09 3) 23 Silva, Jenna 10 4) 21 Rios, Larissa 10 2 Crosby 'A' 4:31.21 16 1) 64 Bailey, Nevate 2) 70 Guillory, Sara 3) 67 Freeman, Patrice 4) 68 Green, Kristen 3 New Caney 'A' 4:36.34 12 1) 156 Nelson, Cassie 12 2) 153 Harris, Tamika 10 3) 164 Young, Molly 09 4) 150 Brooks, Jennifer 11 Girls High Jump ======================================================================= Meet: * 6-00 1982 Turner, New Caney ======================================================================= 1 123 Harris, Daylyn 10 Livingston 5-00.00 10 2 234 Mudd, Mary Barbers Hill 4-08.00 8 3 156 Nelson, Cassie 12 New Caney 4-06.00 6 Girls Pole Vault ======================================================================= Meet: * 10-00 2008 Rhodes, Barbers Hill ======================================================================= 1 80 Walker, Callie Crosby 9-00.00 10 2 162 Thibodeaux, Christ 11 New Caney 7-00.00 8 3 13 Johnston, Shelby 10 Barbers Hill 6-06.00 6 Girls Long Jump ======================================================================= Meet: * 18-00 2001 Depland, Cinco Ranch ======================================================================= 1 150 Brooks, Jennifer 11 New Caney 15-11.00 10 2 71 Henry, Erin Crosby 15-02.00 8 3 22 Rogers, Josey 09 Barbers Hill 14-02.00 6 Girls Triple Jump ======================================================================= Meet: * 40-00 1982 Turner, New Caney ======================================================================= 1 150 Brooks, Jennifer 11 New Caney 33-03.50 10 2 157 Oakley, Kendyl 09 New Caney 31-11.50 8 3 156 Nelson, Cassie 12 New Caney 31-10.00 6 Girls Shot Put ======================================================================= Meet: * 38-06 1999 Wisdom, New Caney ======================================================================= 1 191 Chroman, Brittany Tarkington 30-00.75 10 2 76 Shephard, Renisha Crosby 29-01.00 8 3 124 Jackson, Clarissa 10 Livingston 27-11.50 6 Girls Discus Throw ======================================================================= Meet: * 125-02.50 1990 Williams, Huntsville ======================================================================= 1 197 Lewis, Lori Tarkington 96-00 10 2 190 Chorman, Courtney Tarkington 91-05.25 8 3 191 Chroman, Brittany Tarkington 79-06 6 Boys 100 Meter Dash ========================================================================== Meet: * 10.72 1998 Roberts, New Caney ========================================================================== 1 136 Harris, Dustin 12 Livingston 10.73 2 10 2 46 Smith, Carter Barbers Hill 11.18 2 8 3 177 Kay, Justin 11 New Caney 11.43 2 6 Boys 200 Meter Dash ========================================================================== Meet: * 22.16 1999 Freeman, Crosby ========================================================================== 1 109 Chenier, Trevon Galena Park 22.28 2 10 2 136 Harris, Dustin 12 Livingston 22.52 2 8 3 46 Smith, Carter Barbers Hill 22.82 2 6 Boys 400 Meter Dash ========================================================================== Meet: * 49.47 2000 Thomas, Oak Ridge ========================================================================== 1 174 Hibner, Joey 11 New Caney 51.83 2 10 2 85 Cook, T 11 Crosby 52.72 2 8 3 171 Echols, Austin 12 New Caney 52.76 2 6 Boys 800 Meter Run ========================================================================== Meet: * 1:57.98 2003 Larry Brooks, Stafford ========================================================================== 1 215 Lanier, Chris Tarkington 2:04.16 2 10 2 91 Leonard, J 11 Crosby 2:07.68 1 8 3 27 Crain, Luke Barbers Hill 2:08.85 2 6 Boys 1600 Meter Run ======================================================================= Meet: * 4:31.45 1990 Prejean, Deer Park ======================================================================= 1 116 Rodriguez, Miguel Galena Park 4:51.43 10 2 44 Ramsey, Tim Barbers Hill 4:55.46 8 3 115 Morales, Juan Galena Park 5:04.61 6 Boys 3200 Meter Run ======================================================================= Meet: * 9:35.79 2003 Schubert, Willis ======================================================================= 1 116 Rodriguez, Miguel Galena Park 10:27.99 10 2 44 Ramsey, Tim Barbers Hill 10:33.23 8 3 115 Morales, Juan Galena Park 10:40.46 6 Boys 110 Meter Hurdles ========================================================================== Meet: * 14.81 2001 Coward, Cleveland ========================================================================== 1 48 Viverette, Matthew Barbers Hill 14.98 2 10 2 112 Gilbert, James Galena Park 15.23 2 8 3 35 Johnson, Kevin Barbers Hill 15.37 2 6 Boys 300 Meter Hurdles ========================================================================== Meet: * 39.54 1991 Matthys, Deer Park ========================================================================== 1 48 Viverette, Matthew Barbers Hill 40.40 2 10 2 35 Johnson, Kevin Barbers Hill 40.51 2 8 3 26 Brown, Kyle Barbers Hill 41.52 2 6 Boys 4x100 Meter Relay ======================================================================= Meet: * 42.84 1998 Shepherd, Shepherd ======================================================================= 1 Crosby 'A' 43.57 20 1) 87 Frank, Xavier 11 2) 89 Guillory, M 12 3) 83 Casey, Chance 12 4) 94 St Roman, P 12 2 Livingston 'A' 43.58 16 1) 140 Parker, Keaton 12 2) 141 Rushing, DD 11 3) 137 Henderson, Josh 12 4) 136 Harris, Dustin 12 3 New Caney 'A' 44.62 12 1) 177 Kay, Justin 11 2) 174 Hibner, Joey 11 3) 166 Bryant, Jesse 11 4) 183 Smith, Zack 11 Boys 4x200 Meter Relay ======================================================================= Meet: * 1:31.72 2004 Channelview, Channelview ======================================================================= 1 Crosby 'A' 1:32.50 20 1) 87 Frank, Xavier 11 2) 89 Guillory, M 12 3) 83 Casey, Chance 12 4) 95 Vigier, J 11 2 New Caney 'A' 1:33.50 16 1) 177 Kay, Justin 11 2) 166 Bryant, Jesse 11 3) 188 Wilkie, Brian 12 4) 183 Smith, Zack 11 3 Tarkington 'A' 1:34.33 12 1) 208 Caverretta, Chris 2) 213 Keniry, Andrew 3) 217 Lawrence, Matt 4) 220 Melgar, Diego Boys 4x400 Meter Relay ======================================================================= Meet: * 3:25.79 2008 Crosby, Crosby ======================================================================= 1 Barbers Hill 'A' 3:32.18 20 1) 26 Brown, Kyle 2) 35 Johnson, Kevin 3) 42 Pagan, Andres 4) 48 Viverette, Matthew 2 New Caney 'A' 3:33.40 16 1) 171 Echols, Austin 12 2) 183 Smith, Zack 11 3) 181 O'Hare, Patrick 12 4) 174 Hibner, Joey 11 3 Tarkington 'A' 3:38.07 12 1) 208 Caverretta, Chris 2) 213 Keniry, Andrew 3) 215 Lanier, Chris 4) 220 Melgar, Diego Boys High Jump ======================================================================= Meet: * 7-02.75 1998 Kologinczak, Oak Ridge ======================================================================= 1 136 Harris, Dustin 12 Livingston 5-10.00 10 2 112 Gilbert, James Galena Park J5-08.00 8 3 34 Isaacks, Ethan Barbers Hill J5-08.00 6 Boys Pole Vault ======================================================================= Meet: * 15-03 1999 Griger, Caney Creek ======================================================================= 1 165 Arnold, Seth 11 New Caney 14-00.00 10 2 33 Ibarra, Richard Barbers Hill 11-06.00 8 3 32 Havenar, Zac Barbers Hill 11-00.00 6 Boys Long Jump ======================================================================= Meet: * 22-02.25 2001 Terry, Willis ======================================================================= 1 183 Smith, Zack 11 New Caney 20-10.00 10 2 109 Chenier, Trevon Galena Park 20-07.00 8 3 188 Wilkie, Brian 12 New Caney 20-03.00 6 Boys Triple Jump ======================================================================= Meet: * 44-07.75 1998 Harrison, Livingston ======================================================================= 1 136 Harris, Dustin 12 Livingston 42-05.50 10 2 140 Parker, Keaton 12 Livingston 41-11.50 8 3 48 Viverette, Matthew Barbers Hill 41-06.00 6 Boys Shot Put ======================================================================= Meet: * 59-11.50 1991 O'Neil, Huntsville ======================================================================= 1 212 Fortune, John Tarkington 51-06.00 10 2 142 Schmidt, John Livingston 42-02.50 8 3 118 Schoffield, Jevon Galena Park 39-11.00 6 Boys Discus Throw ======================================================================= Meet: * 170-00 1998 McCardell, New Caney ======================================================================= 1 212 Fortune, John Tarkington 141-11.25 10 2 142 Schmidt, John Livingston 134-11.25 8 3 227 Stowe, Cory Tarkington 116-11 6 Women - Team Rankings - 17 Events Scored =============================================================================== 1) Barbers Hill 187.50 2) New Caney 139 3) Crosby 121 4) Tarkington 71 5) Livingston 60.50 6) Galena Park 22 Men - Team Rankings - 17 Events Scored =============================================================================== 1) Barbers Hill 155.83 2) New Caney 111.83 3) Livingston 96 4) Galena Park 91 5) Crosby 83.33 6) Tarkington 81
  24. New Caney will start at 5:00 today.
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