I'm sorry ndndad, but you don't seem to want honest opinions: you want to give one side of the story and have people who don't know you, your child, OR the coaches in the situation to tell you that you did the right thing. You fail to mention that your child actually told the coaches that he didn't WANT to play offense... or that his attitude toward his teammates--which was a constant source of complaints from other players' parents, and even SPECTATORS (yes, someone watching a game was so outraged by his berating of a teammate that she marched up and made him apologize before reporting his behavior to the coach)--was addressed repeatedly. No one called your child a demon (except you). There is no "vendetta" here: the coaches did the absolute best they could to accomodate your son, to correct his demeaning attitude toward his teammates, and to encourage him to show leadership qualities to match his athletic skill. You admit that you did not allow him to play where his coaches asked him to play--when it was needed most--and you still expected him to be one of THREE all-star picks? How could you justify a coach choosing this player over another kid who DID play wherever he was needed, made every game and every practice, and had a positive attitude toward his teammates? I encourage you to contact your coach if you have any further concerns about the issue. Bad-mouthing the coaches here won't do a thing for your son.