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Posts posted by BADSANTA

  1. 40 minutes ago, Silsbee92 said:

    Silsbee Rough Stats (Pretty Close to KOGT) Will get the official results later.


    33 Carries    102 YDs   1 TD 

    Kibbles    22 Carries   90 YDs   1 TD


    Moshier   19 - 31  222 Yards   2 TDs


    Miller    5 Rec   45  YDs   1 TD

    Cartwright   4 Rec   68 YDs  1 TD


    Im sure I missed a few in there but this is pretty close.

    I think Miller may have had a few more. Maybe I'm wrong. 

  2. Just now, ladybug33 said:

    I knew this type of game was going to occur. NASTY on both sides. My team had nothing to lose, they were not picked to win. Silsbee, clean up your act or your team will not get past Cuero. Bully teams do not win State Championships.

    Agree!!! Siksbee has to understand a penalty cost us a easy field goal to beat Cuero. Gotta clean the BS up. Undisciplined football teams don't win state. 

  3. 1 hour ago, ladybug33 said:

    Miller was something else last year. I respect good football players' like him. We need to contain him as best as we can.

    If they double team Miller,  Cartwright and the other Miller will be open. Silsbee is pretty deep at WR with a solid QB. It should be a great game. WOS has dominate Silsbee in Orange. That needs to end tonight. 

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