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Posts posted by BADSANTA

  1. 5 hours ago, BBfan061 said:

    2017 would have a hard time winning “anything today”…. That’s a big reach

    Agree!! Bush, Adams, McCain is one of the best trios I've seen at any level. IMO, the Silsbee team you seen at the TABC will be same Silsbee team you see all next season. Maybe im wrong. 

  2. On 6/12/2023 at 4:32 PM, Tyler Dixson said:

    Laquarious Paige

    KJ Miller

    Richard Netherley

    Gary Scott 

    Joey Byerly

    Chase Rutledge. 


    No particular order there and probably missing some guys from the 90s. 

    Norris McGhee from 1994-97 could jump out the gym and I mean that literally. He was only about 6'3 but he was dunking in the 7th grade. 

  3. 18 minutes ago, scoopno1 said:

    You're right he gave me a poster of him playing for Lamar in the NCAA Tournament that I still have and often wonder what has happened to him. 

    Works for the Railroad here in Houston. Talk to him every now and then. He was my classmate along with Lewis Arline and Brandi McCain in 1998. 

  4. 1 hour ago, DXTR said:

    I would have to say McArthur then Bush. Both seemed to be able to score at will and also played great defense. The others are definitely top tier, but these two stand out to me. From what I have seen from the freshman Jones, if he grows like the rest of his family, he could easily jump in the conversation. 

    100% agree!! 

  5. For Silsbee, if you had to debate it would be Darrell McArthur, Bre Bush, Devin McCain,, Chris Miller, DC Stallworth, and Thad Holden. You could also debate Jared Harris, Jordyn Adams, and Damon Bush. Silsbee is one of few schools that it seems like every few years has a dominate hoops player. There are about 15 guys I left off that would be the best player ever on many local schools like Chris Martin, Lewis Arline, Shannon Robinson, Chris Elam, and James Hunter. 


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