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Posts posted by BADSANTA

  1. True Blue you are right! Since all of you have dip and smoke I guess we will smoke our chronic here! All have the same results! Cancer, death, gum disease right! True Blue if you consider going to Lamar as going AWAY to colllege I would expect a answer like that from you. Why don't you get in your tractor and drive to downtown Vidor where you live and count how many college educated folk you run into! Or maybe drive closer to i10 and count 18 wheelers while you sit in your tractor doing snuff and spiting in a empty coke can!
  2. Alright country folk don't get your Britches too far stuck up your rump! Yes all of you are country and there isn't anything wrong with that. You all just have no sense of reality! I know some of you enjoy picking eggs and enjoy hanging out at the local Dairy Queen after the game! No problem here! I know some of you sit around waiting for the local newspaper to come out so you can see what ol' Brookshire Brothers has on sale! No problem! You might even enjoy trading crops with you neighbor who lives 8 miles down the pasture! No problem there! I do have a problem with the score board!
  3. Just because you guys live on a farm and just got access to cable and internet last week don't be mad at me. Yea I've been and yes we do have the money to go. Just because a high school game is the highlight of you week doesn't mean ts mine! I have got all of you busting out of your Jordashe Jeans because I said yall ran up the score. Its Saturda now! Time to go out side and pick chicken eggs and milk cows! Better yet take a drive to the big city of Beaumont and see how city folk live.
  4. Footballfan it seems that if a bunch of grown people look to www.setxsports.com for fun then all of you have boring lifes. Seems to me all you do is post! Playing for BC I see you never knew what winning was so why are you still talking to me! I've been to 6 BCS title games, 5 Super Bowls, and 2 NCAA basketball championships! I think I follow and know more about sports than someone from a population of 16!
  5. No kicker, I played for Silsbee basketball 96-98 and we called the dogs off many teams! If were up 25 and we see this team is pathetic, then we stalled the ball for as long as we could! We never tried to emabarrase a team! Seems you never played on a winning team! Youmight know much about that! I also saw Yates beat the balls off schools last year by 135 and 150 points! Was that right! Maybe your the kind of guy who would agree with beat downs like that.
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