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Everything posted by Justa_Dad

  1. PNG pitched Harwood 14K's and still lost??
  2. You say you've never been negative and that you've not singled out any kid, yet you go back and edit out of your post "no stupid mistakes" Humm?? Up the middle dosen't single two positions out..... As for being sensitive well a quess that's just someting I'll have to work on.
  3. One of the "qualifiers" on any post is that it is just a parents opinion. For this years Bears team to be compared to the '96 Bears (alot of things have to go perfect) is an honor. As one of those parents that have watched these young men grow up, I am extremely proud of them. They are a close group of young men who push each other to perform their best. SE Texas is a hot bed of baseball talent, this makes for some great baseball rivalries. I have enjoyed watching some really great HS baseball games over the last several years. I said all that to say that if some parents didn't feel the need to put others down to try and make their child appear better we would all be better off. Every parent tends to believe their child is better than they are at some point. If I have learned anything from Griff it is let your play speak for itself. These young men have also taught me that if you pick each other up when you're down you become better you're self. You can talk it up all you want but at the end of the day the score speaks for itself. Bears in your post you point out that the middle infield has to get alot better, and you may be right to compare to the 96 team, however ever aspect of the team will have to improve from last year in order to hold a candle to the 96 team. I've watched your posts for several years now (agreed with some disagreed with others) and the one thing that has been disappointing is your consistent need to point out flaws in the bear team except for "one" player. If you expect anyone to take your post serious be honest about all the players performances. Remember their are 9 guys on the field but it takes the entire teams support to be successful.
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