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Everything posted by Eagle82

  1. B Patton scores and passes for 2 to Fisher. GP 22 BH 14 Late in the 3rd.
  2. whew!!!! Delgado just intercepted on the Eagle 22.
  3. I'm feeling nauseous! GP doesn't need any help as they're driving deep in Eagle territory. The D stopped them on GP's 32 but face mask gave them a 1st and now they're just getting 6-7 yrds a play. Not very pretty at all!
  4. GP 22 BH 6 The Hill went for 2 and missed it. It's about 6:30 in the 2nd half. If anybody is interested in listening, I've found a broadcast: [Hidden Content]
  5. Man, what's happening to that vaunted BH D???? We better hope that our defensive coordinator can make some adjustments and O needs to find 1st gear. I can hear it now from that gt smackers!
  6. Hey BHFAN, thanks for the welcome! Have been enjoying your posts all year. 34'sDad, yeah, Colorado's pretty sweet; however, their HS football leaves ALOT to be desired!! Hillguy: man was that fun or what???? Did you play and if so, what was your number? I have an idea who you might be... "In December of '81, my dad stopped in Cameron at a cafe and had lunch. It was right after they won state and Dad congratulated the cafe owner on the Yeoman for winning state. The owner didn't know my Dad was from the Hill and my Dad asked who was their toughest competion on the way to state and the owner, who had a son on the team, said "by far, Barbers Hill was best team they had seen all season!". He went on to say that Newton only had that great running back, but as as whole, BH was tougher. His last comment to my Dad was that after our game, he had heard that we had quite a few injuries and that he was glad because he didn't know if the outcome would have been the same if we were full strength. Then my Dad told him he was from the Hill and he had a son on the team. My Dad went on to say that he hung around about 2 hours talking to the owner and that there was a lot of respect between the two men. Sort lived vicariously thru their sons I guess. Anyway, that's what HS footbal is all about!!! Go BH!!
  7. ""I can't stand Barbers Hill. PLease somebody from this district put a you know what whippin on them."" Scalp, I'll agree there is a lot of smack going on from all sides and yes, I guess somebody has to start it and then it just snowballs. Don't let the smack of a few reflect on the whole. However, 9-0, regardless of how "weak" a district is, it's still RESPECTable with the emphasis on RESPECT, especially after 2 weeks of 2 a days and 9 games. I suppose if the Hill is overrated, then everybody will find out tonight and then next week as well. Pride is a tricky characteristic to manage and if I were a betting man, I would say that the Hill faithful is just as proud as the PNG faithful. So go ahead and whoop it up for the GT or any other team to beat the Hill, but c'mon man, you gotta respect the program as does the Hill have to respect yours. Trust me, not everybody from the Hill is a smack talker so instead of saying "I can't stand BH....", perhaps "I can't stand the smack talkers at BH so Please somebody put a whuppin on them". I think that would be much more palatable for everybody. (And by the way Scalp and Pimp Smack - I've read your other posts over the past weeks thus the reason for my first post) BHFAN, I feel your pain buddy, I do. Let's hope BH kicks some hind-end tonight and next and then you can just simply say 'I told you so!" Everybody have safe travels to/from the game and enjoy the best HS football in the country. Trust me, the worst team in the worst district would to quote Scalp'em, "put a whoopin" on these Colorado teams..LOL
  8. Thanks for the post 34'sDad! Just sort of validates what I'm talking about. I hope 34 and the rest of Eagles have a GREAT night tonight and that in the morning, I can wake up in cold Colorado to a BH District Champion banner!!!
  9. I agree 34'sDad. I'm sure I don't know you, but I am the 2nd of 3 generations to have played for the Hill. I graduated in '82 and I can honestly that say that most schools in and around the area have hated the Hill, denegrated us, and cursed us for being consistent winners for as long as I can remember. Jealously?? Who knows, but what I do know, is that it's classless and it just belittles the programs they associate with. It didn't matter if we were playing in 1A, 2A, 3A, and now 4A. Now, will the Hill beat GP? I hope so for sentimental reasons but if we don't, well...oh well, we have next year. Will we beat Central if in fact that's who we face in the 1st round??? Who knows, but I'm sure the Hillians will go over there and be the class act it has been for decades!!! Let's go BH and Dayton, make us all proud and prove to these Hill-bashers and Dayton-downers that even if we don't win these upcoming games (which I doubt), that's it's better to be a classy loser than a class-less winner!
  10. Hey Pimp Smack and Scalp 'em, just curious. What possibly could BH have done to you personally, for both to use such vitriolic language against the Hill. I think anybody on the Hill worth their salt would recognize PNG's stellar past and bright future. As for as Lumberton, well, sorry I don't know that much about that program's history other than I'm sure it's a class act. I do know the Hill's history and although they haven't had a state title since '78, they have been one of the more consistently winning teams in the area. It's one thing to talk smack, pump your team up, and so forth. How about a little class from a couple of fellas from some class organizations. It's ok to think and to say the Hill is overrated, but c'mon guys, give the Hill some credit!!
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