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  1. Any track meets around the area on March 20th?
  2. Newton is looking for a 7th and 8th grade JH game on Sept. 12. If interested contact Drew Johnston. [email protected] or 409-382-9977.
  3. We are looking for a Week 2. Message me if you are in need.
  4. Newton is still looking for a week 2 this realignment. If interested contact coach Johnston @ 409-382-9977
  5. Ummm 4!!! Don’t forget little ol Newton
  6. Newton is now looking for a 7th grade game this week if possible. 10/5 Contact Drew Johnston- [email protected] or 409-382-9977
  7. JV game for 10/5 has been found. Still need the others.
  8. Newton is now looking for JV football games on 10/5 and 11/2. Also looking for JH games on 11/2. Possible 7th grade game on 10/5. Contact Drew Johnston @[email protected] or 409-382-9977
  9. Newton JH is looking for 7/8 grade games next week!! If interested please contact Drew Johnston @ 409-382-9977
  10. Not a great idea to take kids off 2 1/2 hours when there is a chance that they may have to evacuate their house. Every option was considered.
  11. Game not played because of excess smoke from nearby fires and chance of evacuations. Newton is looking for a Week 3 game on Sept. 8. Need to find a game!!!
  12. Not sure, just don't have one.
  13. One last time.......Newton is looking for a JV game on 10/20 or 10/27. If interested please call. Coach Johnston- 409-382-9977
  14. He transferred from Baylor 2 years ago. Broke foot early in season, out for year.
  15. Zac Gullley and James Sylvester from Newton at SFA
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