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82 5A State Champs

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Everything posted by 82 5A State Champs

  1. a little, Anarchy Football, for ya!
  2. We didn't. But Spring ISD officially cancelled all games this weekend!
  3. I like it....3-0! I thought a forfeit is a 1-0 win? No, I was talking about our win/loss record. We would be 3-0! 50-7 against Ozen and 47-22 against Central.
  4. Well, fortunately I am sitting pretty over here in the west end of town. We are 36 feet above sea level in Beaumont, and should not expect the storm surge. That's not to say that we wont have flooding from rainfall. I hope everyone has prepared for this one. It looks like it may be a while before things get back to normal. Those of you that have my number, I have a two story house with a couple of extra rooms if you need a place to shelter. Good luck! BTW, got extra gas for the generator this afternoon!
  5. I like it....3-0!
  6. Does anybody know where to find a Storm Surge Map for the Golden Triangle?
  7. Does anybody know where to find information on a Storm Surge Map for the Golden Triangle?
  8. ;D Give me a call. I'm at home too. Hurricane Party at my house!!!!! ;D
  9. Not to mention the entire first team was pulled at the end of the 3rd quarter. Had he played the entire game, he could have easily hit 200 yards!! Belie Dat!
  10. I still think it's too late for it. What they're gonna end up with is 250,000+ people on the road, going the same direction at the same time, and all having fuel issues.....just like with Rita! No thanks! I'm staying at the house. I figure I'm safer here than out on the roads.
  11. I would imagine that BISD would soon follow suit.
  12. I just dont understand why they would wait so long to issue that! ???
  13. They're not stupid, they just waited too long to give the evacuation order.
  14. I wanna know the genious (sp) who sent the freaking buses to south texas. ....with the rest of the available funding!!! It's my understanding that there will be no evacuations provided by local governments either. Basically, we're on our own!!
  15. Then settle down a bit, please. At this point, unless you want to spend the next 20 hours or so in a car trying to evacuate, there's probably not a whole lot we can do except prepare ourselves for a long couple of days.
  16. geez kicker, you sound like you are really stressed. Are you a public official?
  17. And this is suppose to be a Cat "what" when it makes landfall? 4?
  18. Good points and very well said!
  19. Well FINALLY!!! Somebody bent over and pulled their head out of their.........never mind!
  20. To jump on the bandwagon and cancel school till this thing passes!
  21. Yeah, I noticed the state of LA got themselves a new governor since Katrina, too! Funny how those things seem to happen.
  22. Awe come on, man! Haven't you heard the sound of dragging feet?
  23. It's a little odd that more people here are more worked up about this than people in Galveston... Thats cause we took a direct hit from Rita. We are a little gun shy!
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