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82 5A State Champs

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Everything posted by 82 5A State Champs

  1. most of the models on www.stormpulse.com show that thing making landfall in the neighborhood of Corpus Christi, Port O'Connor, and Galveston. Hopefully it will not move much further north than projected.
  2. Well, I think they realized that they've messed up with the evacuations over the past couple of weeks. They pulled the trigger too soon with Gustav, and nothing happened. And now they've waited too long to order it for our area. This late in the game, if they ordered an evac then it would just make a bad situation on the roadways, worse. The best option, IMO, is for people to just stay put. HAve you noticed that BISD has not cancelled school, either?
  3. Well, if we are left in a bind then you can thank your elected leaders for that!
  4. Thank You!!! If he keeps it up, I'm just gonna start deleting his posts!
  5. I do understand the good side and the bad side of a storm, buddy! I was simply saying to calm down. We will most likely not see the kind of damage that Rita created if it makes landfall in Freeport. Making comments like the one's you made only make alot of people more ancy.
  6. She's right. KUDOS, COOP! Thanks for all you do.
  7. No we're not! If that thing makes landfall in Freeport as a Cat 3, like everyone seems to think, then we would likely see wind gusts of 70-90 mph. Nowhere near the wind Rita created when she came ashore. Everyone is already in a panic without people making comments like that! Just chill out a little!
  8. Awe come on, COOP! Haven't you heard the sound of dragging feet? ;D
  9. That's never a good sign when Cantore shows up!!!
  10. Pitiful! LOL...don't hold back Coop! I think he was being nice!!
  11. Pitiful! Yessir! You said it!!
  12. At the risk of asking a stupid question: What is deemed a low lying area? ???
  13. And you trust what BPD says???? WOW! You're braver than most! not particularly. note the comment about being stuck in my car during landfall. OH! My bad!!
  14. :D tru dat!!! Uhhhhh, Nederland should win BIG!!
  15. And you trust what BPD says???? WOW! You're braver than most!
  16. This one has already been posted over on the weather page. Yes, it is a neat site.
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