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82 5A State Champs

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Everything posted by 82 5A State Champs

  1. The statement that you just made about LaMarque having a better chance of beating NS than WB. Come on, man be real. You honestly cant believe that statement. You have to be saying that because you think that is what everybody expects you to say. The cougars are just a little "fly in the ointment" for North Shore. West Brook definitely has more tools and talent to give NS a run for it's money than your precious Coogs. You cant deny that.
  2. Right!!!
  3. No, he just got out. It's been quiet for months around here, then all of a sudden we get bombarded with all these ignorant statements. He must have gotten paroled. ;D LOL!
  4. once again, intelligence at it's finest!!!
  5. You have a friend???? That's pretty unbelievable. Imagine, two people like yourselves have actually found each other in this big world. I bet the conversation at those games must be stimulating.
  6. ....and with a new coach and a rebuilding year, dont expect your "Coogs" to bring much to the table against "The Sho", as you call it. Do you know SFA85? If you dont, ya'll should meet. You both have the same distorted view of our local teams. Good luck against "The Sho", ya'll are certainly gonna need it.
  7. Oh LAWD.......not you again?! I thought they kicked you off of here? Everybody put your rubber boots on, it's about to get deep!
  8. Oh well, maybe our boys will have gained some maturity and experience during this trip that will spill over to the field when it really counts. Even though we didn't win, it still says alot for our boys just at the fact they even made it to the tournament. KUDOS to them, and I hope we have a successful season starting next month.
  9. It will never happen. Incompetent PA city government will somehow screw it up before it gets to that point. We can all dream, though.
  10. I've tried to explain this to SFA85, but he cant see it due to his blinded obsession with North Shore. The 215 is alot tougher district than the one they've been in for the last few years.
  11. That's Great! Apparently, there were some adjustments made that appear to be working. Go Bruins!
  12. Well, it looks like we'll get two more chances to get something done.
  13. Looks like our boys have got some work to do in the second half. Come on C-Mike!
  14. This could potentially be a good move for both Tony Stewart and HAAS Racing. I wish him luck.
  15. Always nice to know that we can come to this site and read crap like this. It's funny. He's starting to sound alot like patitan....and we all know what eventually happened to him. ;D
  16. I usually sit and watch the opposing team's band. Most of the time, theirs is better than ours. ;D
  17. Christian Louis and Christine Michael-West Brook
  18. That's true an I agree with doing that. But how many does he typically bring up for the playoffs?
  19. You can see all the Golden Triangle bashing you want to see on that website. It's the same people talking about the same schools......Converse Judson, Katy, North Shore, SLC, blah, blah, blah. I'm sick of hearing it, so I dont frequent that site much any more. I would love nothing more than for WB to knock off one or two of their prized topic teams.
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