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82 5A State Champs

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Everything posted by 82 5A State Champs

  1. Do athletic directors increase literacy rates? help kids learn anything useful? Lets face it fewer scholarships are handed out for athletes than for things such as Ag., BPA, U.I.L. literary competitions...the list goes on ahhh, correct!
  2. Team Stats Beaumont West Brook Beaumont Ozen Total yards 331 6 First downs 17 2 Rushes/Yds 34/154 26/-8 DOH! Bear gotcha on that one! 6 yards of total offense? On the ropes? come on, man.....get real. Your Panthers couldn't beat their way out of a paper bag!
  3. Why not pay coaches more? After all, they are the ones in the classrooms every day...."TEACHING TAKS", and teaching our kids to read and write properly. Shouldn't our teachers be the one's making the big bucks? Maybe not, they're not the one's generating revenue on Friday nights. Nothing against high paid coaches, but come on.......spend the money where it needs to be spent. This post definitely got a rise out of my wife, who is a teacher.
  4. ROFLMAO! you're joking right?.......oh I forgot, Lamar is getting a foosball team again.
  5. ok we'll see when september all im saying is none of those players 4rm that 2009 class showed up last yr when we played yall............if im not mistaking a player in the 09 class at ozen caught three picks against yall..... the first two games of the year for WB is always great yeah, they're always good 'warmup' games! The real competition for us starts after that. ;D
  6. you're such an ...... ;D never mind. It's not even worth saying! :
  7. ozen has new helmets we're not worthy! ;D
  8. well, then you're gonna get a real good look at #33 come September.....and Jordan Garrett, and Christian Louis, and Ryan Grant, and..........should I go on? And what are we gonna get to see from Ozen? Unorganized chaos? BTW, that list on the other site, was/is for the 2008 season of players....not 2007. However, Powdrill and Albert were both on that list. ;D
  9. LUMBERTON it's official....I have just thrown up in my mouth! ;D
  10. take a look at this list [Hidden Content] the schools with the most players on the list is the school with 12 players (Katy). WB has 8...count'em 8. We have more offensive and defensive weapons than just #33. The team is built around more than one player.
  11. Good......then maybe BT should hire him!
  12. ??? whatchyou talkin' about, Willis?
  13. Good, hopefully we will improve on the defensive side of the ball and limit the amount of miscues. I know we've got a couple more 6'4"-6'5" guys coming up.
  14. True, our defense doesn't appear to be much better than last years team. However, our offense should be a heck of alot better. With Christian Louis, potentially, calling the offensive plays from the line of scrimmage based on what he sees from the defense, WB will be tough to stop offensively. It is very tough for a HS team to defend an offense like that. Any team that beats West Brook next season, is just gonna have to flat outscore us. We shouldn't have a problem putting points on the board. ;D
  15. Now we've gotta find a way to keep Stump at West Brook! Do you think he'd take a bribe? ???
  16. Aahhhhhh.....money talks, and...well, you know!
  17. BTW, the Katy game against West Brook is a Saturday 5pm game. Better get there early. I was told by one of the Katy 'faithful' that they will begin filling up the visitors side at about 2:30 that day, so get your season tickets......NOW! ;D
  18. Good for him, although there are probably some district opponents the will be sad to hear that.
  19. West Brook would not see Cy-Falls or Katy in the playoffs as they will most likely be going Division II, and WB will be going Division I. We would most likely see teams like North Shore, Pearland, and Lufkin. However, all that may be in jeopardy, should Stump leave and go to Lamar!
  20. If anybody says Lumberton, I'm gonna throw up! ;D
  21. I heard LM is willing to pay $92.5k I would think it would take alot more than that to get him to leave a place like Nederland. I'm thinking something in the neighborhood of $120-$125 thousand to get him to go anywhere.
  22. Pope, Pope, he's our man if he cant do it, no one can! Just dont let it be Stump! Yes, I'm being greedy! ;D WE, yes I'm saying we (because there alot of us that dont want to lose him at Brook) think he's on the right page to do something special with the Bruin program in the upcoming years and we dont want to see him go!
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