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82 5A State Champs

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Everything posted by 82 5A State Champs

  1. WOW....well at least they're trying to make a game out of it. Where's the Dragon defense, or did the Bulls take them back to Miami?
  2. HELLO......am I talking to myself here? IS anybody home? ;D
  3. dont say it, let me guess......Rockwall just scored again?
  4. maybe that will put a little fire into the Dragons!
  5. what kind of kicking game does PAM have? Can they kick an extra point.....cuz, that might be their ace in the hole! ;D
  6. Well, Scooter what do you think? The Titans gonna be able to win one tonight?
  7. LOL....I've heard that song before!
  8. I would have to say WO-S's stadium. Back when they were in 4A and we would play them in preseason......it was always a tough place to play because of the crowd noiseand the hype!
  9. I hope someone is going to the game that can feed us updates! ;D
  10. Is Freddie King playing tonight against Lamar?
  11. oooooooooh...you said it, and I think it needs to be said! It doesn't matter how good of an athlete they are if they can't stay out of trouble, what good are they?
  12. Kenny Bell...come on man....he makes superchargers for 4.6, 5.0, and 5.4 liter Ford engines...they're called "Whipplechargers"...lol ;D (I'd be suprised if anybody has heard of a Whipple Charger and gets the joke)
  13. uuuuuhh..OK!? Where have you been watching the games from? Scooter was right, man....the offense isn't near what it was last year. They'll win some games, but good?????? I dont know! ???
  14. I actually laughed out loud when I got that mental picture!!!! By the way, that dude in the hat is Hank Williams Jr. ;D
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