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82 5A State Champs

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Everything posted by 82 5A State Champs

  1. BTW, just as a side note, PN-G is 0-8 lifetime against West Brook. No disrespect to WB, but when you combine 3-4 avg. 4-A teams, to make 1 powerhouse MEGA school, WB should win every time. I'm not sure I understand the point you were trying to make ???.
  2. You're right, if you look at the total number of years each school has been in existance. PN-G has WAAAY more playoff games and wins just simply because the Indians have been around for nearly a century. However, if you look at playoff percentages in the 27 West Brook has existed, then West Brook has been alot more successful than PN-G. Not only in making the postseason, but winning in the postseason as well. BTW, just as a side note, PN-G is 0-8 lifetime against West Brook.
  3. Dang, man!!! You just like stirring the pot, dont ya?!!!
  4. Where does he live? Beaumont. Yeah, he doesn't have a Masters Degree!!! I guess that disqualifies him!
  5. Do you honestly think Coach Stump would turn down an extra $20k+ a year to coach at PNG? Even if he could talk a few of his coaches with him. Yes....at least that's what I've been told he has done.
  6. Hey Young Coach, what's your email address? I'd like to send you some info on who I think is NOT going to be the new HC at PN-G! LOL!
  7. How about a few crazy electricians I know over there. How about Jason Beuler and Steve Arnaud? Know 'em?
  8. WOW! I didn't see this one coming!!!! Well, I guess he got out while the getting was good. Good luck to Coach Stowers, I know he will make an immediate impact wherever he goes. I have to wonder if any of our coaches will apply for the HC vacancy at Central. I hope not.
  9. I'm glad that somebody is stating the obvious besides me. I said that two days ago, but nobody will listen to me. Stump is staying at WB. He has had better offers than PN-G in recent years, but has chosen to stay at the Brook. Good luck with your hirings, Indians.
  10. You guys keep saying that you have alot of talent coming up through your system for the next 5 or 6 years, and that may be true. But no offense, even with that, there aren't enough marquee players in that program for Craig to run in his offense. What I mean is, the talent level just isn't there to be able to make his offense effective and run properly. Again I mean no offense by what I've said, but I think that was one of the reasons he is staying at WB.
  11. Yes, but those were NCAA recruiting violations. They wont have any effect at the UIL level. Chuck's still a really good coach. He'd fit in well over there.
  12. Bevil, Louis, Tatum, and now Chaisson? That's four potential QB's. Too many roosters in the henhouse, if you ask me.
  13. I'm told they're looking at Chuck Langston. A 1990 graduate of West Brook.
  14. Dont mean to rain on anyone's parade, but as I've just been told, Craig is NOT going to PN-G. Entertain that thought if you wish, but just remember you heard it here, first. Stump is staying at WB.
  15. Yes, it's true that Craig has been contacted, and even spoken to PN-G officials (from what I've been told), but I dont believe he's looking to make a move at this point. It wont be the money that lures him to the Reservation, as he and his family are pretty comfortable. He has been offered other HC positions since he's been at WB, and he's still here. I dont expect this situation to be any different, but then again I could be wrong. I keep hearing the same two or three guys mentioned as the front runners for the HC position, but I think most of you might be suprised to find out that the new HC could infact be a WB alumni.
  16. True. Unfortunately, in these cases, most of us will never know what actually happened.
  17. Oh, I'm not bashing anybody. It's just that I went to HS with him and he was always a great guy to be around, and I cant imagine him getting involved into something like this. It just doesn't sound like him. I bet there's more to the story.
  18. A blistering 94 degrees? I'm not buying it!
  19. Just out of curiousity, what did Chuck Langston do to get himself fired from Univ. of Central Oklahoma, and in trouble with the NCAA?
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