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Everything posted by grizzly62

  1. Ofield by 30 ....Go Bobcats
  2. Any updates
  3. see what i meen not even one bobcat fan has even said one word sad sad ....
  4. bobcats yall showed yall do still have heart proud of yall.. Good luck Newton !!!!
  5. Bobcats played great the first half .Keep your heads up yall played a great and tuff team every year . Now as far as the Bobcat pride the fans used to have at Orangefield thats gone ..... I love my bobcats and will bleed orange forever ,Parents , fans who ever else is there to watch the bobcats, stand up cheer for them kids it my be your kid playing are you nephew grandson who ever it my be support them kids thats the worse fans ive ever seen in them bobcats stands.....
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