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Everything posted by wos08

  1. WOS and LCM will eventually merge, it will be a big school 4A powerhouse
  2. You know what.. yall are right. Any coach who cusses clearly has no character and doesnt show respect for his athletes, even though they cuss. They are bad men.
  3. The players will soon get benched.. You guys are making scenarios about coaches that cuss non stop, which isnt even an issue!! This is totally irrelevant. The coach didn't tell you that if you want to be a great coach you shouldn't cuss, so do you assume not cussing makes you a great coach?
  4. Middle school != High school varsity Um...
  5. ZzzZzzZ Yall act like a pee wee coach is cussing out the little kids Coaches cussing in HIGH SCHOOL will not affect the players character because most players these days cuss.. This isnt the 60's people..
  6. Dayton - Win LC-M - Win Bay City - Dont keep up with them.. no clue Hamshire-Fannett* - Win Kirbyville* - Win Hardin-Jefferson* - Win Silsbee* - Win Jasper* - Win Orangefield* - Win Bridge City* - Win I say we'll finish 12-1
  7. 31-3 i think
  8. No clue.. I wouldnt be surprised tho..we always have people playing both sides
  9. Nope Garrett, WOS He almost had the same yards as Rhodes WITH TWO D1 receivers..
  10. Are you implying anyone who cusses doesnt have respect,loyalty and isnt an excellent role model? Also.. im curious as to what your wife coaches and whats the age group.. Most females tend to coach female sports, which isnt as physical as football
  11. dpg,hippo,dennis, and adams are gonna be the main playmakers for wos this year imo
  12. So you're implying if a coach doesn't cuss his players will get better? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL Some of these people on this forum are ridiculous
  13. Stopped reading there.. Coach != parents PM me if i need to break it down to you
  14. These days they do something that will actually help.. its called running stands
  15. Im lol'ing over here
  16. Someone cheating in high school and college?!?! What the hell.. Who wouldve thought yo
  17. Telfair is smart.. Why go to college when you can go straight to the NBA and make millions.. College is always there.. the hype about high schooler straight to NBA isnt Plus.. no guarantee he wouldve did good in college
  18. Im not surprised. Some of the teachers shouldnt be teaching imo..
  19. Even the teachers cuss these days.. I dont go home crying to mommy though. Its used to get your attention and apparently it works
  20. "Timmy, you have to run faster next time ok?" Thatll get the message across
  21. Kville wont go far..Shut down Rhodes and their offense is screwed.
  22. Most likely #24 is some slow guy that balla doesnt like.. Balla will be in the stands laughing his ass off at #24 gettin mossed
  23. This is probably the worst thread ever...
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