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Everything posted by BMTSoulja1

  1. I don't think it's T-Mac's problem in the playoffs. He is one of the most productive players of all time in playoffs games, even though he's never made it out of the first round. I believe if we can get other players to play on his level, we will be in this series to the end.
  2. Couldn't have said it better myself. Also Kidd is considered a big guard and can look over his defender.
  3. :D ;D ;D ... I likes that! You know, you're a funny dude! LOL. On a serious not, I know how you must feel when it seems like Brook and Memorial are left out. Fortunately, I have the pleasure of seeing these two teams (since we play them). I believe yall will get more recognition this year if yall beat one of the powerhouses.
  4. gman, you have to remember something. We (SETX) can schedule all the big name schools we want. But they have to accept it also. Would it benefit them? Would they have a more better team to play? Things like that have to be considered. No one is scared to play your Coogs. Nederland and PN-G has played them the last couple of years. Brook has some Barbarians on their schedule this year. It's almost like the BH vs. Longview thing. They both needed games so they will play this fall. Longview will be a handful, but BH will not back down and will give them everything they have. IMO, (and I have nothing agains the Coogs) LM shouldn't be mentioned in this thread because they aren't in SETX.
  5. I still say I don't like this matchup. 'Scarey' series for us.
  6. This Hornets team was no fluk. Also IMO, the Mavs aren't as good as they normally are Hornets in 7. CP3 won't miss a beat!
  7. Just so yall know, I've been saying this. The 'Big Cactus' isn't the answer. I agree, Spurs in 6. Suns don't play enough defense to win against the defending world champs.
  8. I realy didn't want to see the Jazz in the first round again. We don't match up well with them at all. On a bright note, the Spurs did hand their butts to them tonight, so we may catch them in a 'hangover'.
  9. Has that team played WB, WO-S, Nederland, Central, Dayton, Memorial or any of the other teams on the list? My school, WO-S, shared three opponents with EC last year - HJ, HF and Orangefield. EC beat HJ by 1 point. WO-S beat them by 62. EC beat HF by 3. WO-S beat them by 54. EC beat OF by 12. WO-S beat them by 27. I just don't see EC as a contender for the "most feared" team in SETX, because they don't play any of the other contenders. They certainly do well in the games that they do play, but it's hard for a team from one of the smallest two classes to be the "most feared." WO-S has been fortunate enough to play the role of both giant and giant killer. Man where are you getting your numbers from????? EC beat HF by 14 (33-19) and WOS beat HF by 27 (34-7). Ec beat HJ by 30+ Old thread Some may say im biased, but ill go with WOS Some local teams in higher classifications dont even want to play WOS. The 'some' teams that you mentioned wouldn't happen to be the Jags, huh?
  10. My Jags vs. Galveston Ball Tors. The old rivalry has been rekindled. Let's see how our boys step up to this challenge.
  11. I know this post and this thread is old as dirt ;D ;D but Bronco1 hit it right on the head with this one. I not only enjoy watching our kids at Central perform on a high level, but all the other kids that busts their butts all for friday nights. Also, our fans come out even though they are pulling for their teams show respect to their district mates and rival fans durring and after the game. HS Football....Priceless.
  12. I have patience. Yes, I do. Let's just hope we (Bruin,Jag, and Panther fans) get some information more sooner than later.
  13. I'm not buying into that, Bullets. This isn't high school or college. These are pros. You have to be able to coach in this league to be successful like how the Celtics are.
  14. Doc, hands down! That team is a machine with great superstars, role players and bench. They have taken his system and ran with it. This one isn't even an argument.
  15. Ok. Lets see. The player on the no.1 seeded team (whoever that may be) should be the MVP. Does this sound right? Sounds good to me.
  16. I saw that. He did appear sincere. Your right. Nothing left for him to do but move on now.
  17. Nice! I only wish our dang stadium would break dirt!
  18. This is the time that we need Rafer. I know hit is an injury that needs some attention. 2 missed games can prove crucial in this year's playoffs. Being down 2-0 is somewhere we don't want to be. I love our chances with Rafer in the starting linup.
  19. Kobe, Deron Williams, or CP3 are my candidates that I have named several weeks ago and this haven't changed. They are the most valuable pieces to their teams success.
  20. Yall chill with the name calling, please.
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