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Everything posted by BMTSoulja1

  1. I just keep thinking about that 'Punch' incident when he was suspended. You don't see Lebron having these issues and he is younger than Melo and had a rougher background.
  2. It's really sad that Carmello is supposed to be the bright future for the NBA right along with Labron. Mello really needs to get it together and make wiser decisions!
  3. I wish they would have brodcasted this game. I rushed home to watch it. That's ok. We need to consistantly play on a playoff style intensity, like I know we can.
  4. ;D ;D That is something that will be fixed. Your Bruins wouldn't want to get in this kid's way. Trust me!
  5. He needs to run with his shoulders down. He fumbled a few times by exposing that ball by running high.
  6. Well, the man will be Charlie Thomas at RB. He had 5.35 yards per carry with 4 TD's with limited touches. QB should be backup from last year Mike Rickards. Coach might decide to go with the JV QB, which I've heard is a beast. Victor Spikes will be our senior reciever who us Jag fans are expecting big things from. On defense, David Mayfield should be a man at LB and Phillip Jefferson should make a lot of big plays for us in the secondary.
  7. Did yall see Mt. Mutombo block 'Big Cactus' dunk? NOT IN MY HOUSE said the ageless one! The only player we had no answer for was Stoudamire. That dude is a machine and will work any team over. We have to keep playing good like that on this playoff run. BTW, did anyone know why Battier was on the bench?
  8. Last year's Jag team was a mixture of both. We were 'turble, turble,turble' (as Sir Charles would say lol). That Swinging gate ate our lunch? Were we watching the same game? I have to admit. Yall did get a 6 yard gain the first time yall pulled that play out. I don't know if you want to call 'eating our lunch' by doing the play 3 times and not getting the first down.
  9. I'm not gonna lie...He did stink the court up tonight vs. Rockets.
  10. Lumberton would have been there to battle you guys tough again. Waller beat Lumberton because they had superior speed and the L-train finally ran out of steam. It wouldn't have been by more than 2 touchdowns.
  11. Might not be the playbook. Maybe players not making plays? You can ditch that dang 'swinging gate' play though!
  12. Congrads, Coop. Let those guys know about our great football area. Folks seem to turn the cheek when someone mentions football and southeast Texas in the same sentence.
  13. I don't want our boys playing on that 'God forsaken' land on W. Phelan too many dang times. I guess I can roll with 2 trips there. ;D . On a serious note, I feel for our little brothers having to play home games that way. If they make the playoffs, those kids will forget how 'messed up' things have been. Man, Brook! 6 games at Durley? Someone must love you guys! : ;D
  14. 1 Hornets 8 Warriors 8 Warriors 4 Jazz 4 Jazz 5 Rockets 4 Jazz Jazz-Pistons. 2 Spurs 2 Spurs 7 Mavericks 2 Spurs 3 Lakers 3 Lakers 6 Suns I'm a Rockets fan, but we dont' match up with Utah. I want us to play someone else.
  15. I really wish people start living outside their box.
  16. Really? Remember, Utah wasn't sorry last year. They made it to the Western conference championship series. I want to see New Orleans or Los Angeles in the first round.
  17. I repeat! Average guards at Ozen Trying to start something, I see.
  18. Take that Soulja!!! Give me one slooth footed, clumbsy post man about 6'10" to stand with your three six foot tens and four good hustling guards ranging from 6' to 6'4" and I will beat you and beat you good! I don't need any guards with killer speed and quickness. I need SMART mediocre guards. Nice crisp passing to break the press. After that, give it to my fundementally sound Bigs. Long day for your little guys, Short.
  19. Flip a coin with either Kobe or CP3. Can't go wrong with either. I'll give a very, very slight edge to Kobe.
  20. Man, that Lumberton fan is setting his hopes up! Win or bust. Most likely, Bust. : :
  21. lol ....Warmup games! I know one of those games will have yall boys running for their lives! lol
  22. Short, I'll take the 'BIGS'. You can have the little guys running around. You teach your guards to shoot the 3, and I'll teach my bigs the right and left jumphook. I bet my team wins. On any level.
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