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Everything posted by BMTSoulja1

  1. Where do I start in this one. First of all, LC-M fans where very hostile, and reason to be. Their playoff lives are on the line, Central in in town, and the Big Senior night. The JV game was a thriller, so it was only fitting that this was. Bears jumped off to a 10-2 lead in the first. We started to climb back with Gulley as the catalyst. Later in the game, Jags started to assert their pressure defense and went up by 5 with a little over a min. This is were guard play comes in at. Coach is telling you to hold on to the ball. You drive to the basket and either missed a layup or turn the ball over. We gave up too many darn layups in the 4th for my liking. There was also a layup that Gulley missed that he normally makes that would have probably put us up for good. This is what done it for me. Bears up by 2 with 5 seconds left. You turn the ball over by throwing it right to them. I was in shock as the Bear fans stormed the court in celebration. Also one of the LC-M coaches got up and started taunting our coach, which lead to some drama. They guy might have been a fan, but he sure was on the Bear baseline. MVP goes to #42 for LC-M. This guy had soooo many and-1 layups, it's not even funny. He kept hope in this team when it appeared we would run away with this one. Great game bears. Greater game plan, for the LC-M coaching staff.
  2. Keep playing man defense just like that and keep Gulley driving to the basket. We don't need 3's. Those long rebounds are what LC-M are waiting for! Hope for a better executed second half!
  3. I guess its senior night here. Great videos. No disrespect, but tip off, please?? ;D ;D
  4. I'm glad they only showed that one dunk. There were plenty more. This one even had me standing up. :o :o
  5. Jefferson isnt' the best player on Ozen's team by any stretch. He is however the heart to that team. Ozen has some pretty talented bigs. Will PN-G have and answer for #11? What about Franks? This team is loaded so I dont' think Jefferson will be missed at all in this one.
  6. If Ozen plays like they played against us Tuesday, Ozen by 40...or however much they want to win by.
  7. I agree. He is good driving to the basket and short jumpers. But his 3 point shot needs a lot of work. His defense is leggit.
  8. What kind of post was that??? :-\ since district started my Rangers have been getting beat regularly, just happy to see they won against a good team...i hadn't seen the standings and Lee had only won 2 games which was shocking to me considering the talent they normally have in football... Sorry about that. I though that was a shot at West Brook. I stand correct.
  9. LC-M won't beat Central. So i guess Dayton is in the driver's seat. lol
  10. Yea, big man has to be ready for those passes and put it in. Big man shows 'some' promise. He has to hit them weights and work on that jumping ability to be on the Varsity level.
  11. So is Dayton now in the driver's seat for the 3rd spot?
  12. Man! Ohh well, you have two more games. Actually winnable games here. Want Brook to bring the title to beaumont!
  13. Didnt' expect a rout here. Vidor must have shut it down. Great win for the Bears.
  14. Lol @ the 24 points... Come on man, when Gulley had the ball, I know you was holding your breath! Thinking he was going to get an 'and-1'.
  15. I actually had to simmer down after this lose. The onslaught began after the thunderous Wilie Jefferson Dunk on little brother. That brought the crowt to their feed and thwarted the momentum Ozens way, which was Central with the moment before. Ozen's trapping defense and along with our guards poor decisions gave Ozen an aray of easy layups. All of Ozen's bigs got a dunk, realy.I left this game with a real upset stomach after seeing this mess. Coach was Coaching, but Boutte coached better. We went from trying to maintain the intensity in the begining to trying to not let it be a 30 point blowout in the end. Gulley was Gulley once again and our bigs played ok. Guard play killed us tonight. Ozen executed, we didn't. Ozen made their foul shots, we didnt'. I can go on and on. Player of the game goes to #11 for Ozen. As PG, he pretty much did whatever he wanted to do: penetrated and finished at the rim, drove and dished to an Ozen big for a layup (dunk), controled the ball, broke our press, and made a nice dribble that broke one of our guards ankles. Nice game. One more thing. Gulley didn't score as much as you like because he was trying to pass it to his teammates. Big men, be ready for the quick dish in the paint!!! Geeeesh! BTW, big 'ups' to AggiesAreWe for the broadcast and Shorttexas1. Met these gentleman tonight.
  16. ;D ;D ...A wishfull dreamer, that's what I am. lol.
  17. There is 3 games left. If, and that's a big fat if, Central runs the tables and beat Ozen and the last 2 teams, we could finish with two losses in district. Ozen would have one loss and could lose to their last 2 teams. Seriously doubt that this would come into effect, but hey, I've seen wierder things in HS sports.
  18. You want the games that yall gonna be ate for lunch to be games of the week? What about the week 1 game? ;D Oh that's just a warmup game....we'll prolly start our second stringers for that one! After that game is when the competition really gets good. LOL! : : Whatever... : :
  19. North shore aint playing with that beefed up schedule. Somebody is tired of playing and wants that state title. Brook better be playing on a high level every game to tangle with the big boys. I'm going to make some of these big games!
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