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Everything posted by BMTSoulja1

  1. 8) ! Looks like Channelview didnt' have an answer to Brook's bigs.
  2. Keep it going, Brook? WBBear, I know you have a box score for me!
  3. This game was over before it began. when we went up big, we put the bench in. Gulley got 14 and realy was in and out the game. We had good contributions from every player. Overall good game. Still have to get a lot betther, though. Friday, Vidor will be a good test on where we stand at their house.
  4. Coach Boutte and Tramain Thomas. Best coach in the area with the most coachable talent around.
  5. when I say all of a sudden, I meant that they have reached that next level that Ozen always have been known to be on. Last years team reached this level right at playoff time. I agree that we will be dangerous and we will get better. I just hope it comes soon or atleast before we tangle with you guys again.
  6. I wish I would have seen him at Odem. Only caught him at Ozen. He appeared to be a man among boys in HS. Bigger than everybody else. IMO, Keena Young was more polished that Perk. Perk had the size, therefore jumped to the NBA. Don't look at this as a Perk diss because it's not. But this is how I feel.
  7. Not a hater at all. All I saw from him at Ozen was dunks and the sweeping hook shot that wasnt' perfected. He has more fundimentals now than before. Hey like him in boston. He's a beast. That's what important now.
  8. My comments didn't change. I'm just noticing how Ozen all of a sudden got better and are playing on another level as of lately. The have my respect and I actually picked them to beat us the first time. If we dont' start 'hitting our stride' soon, we won't beat Ozen the second time.
  9. Maybe it was the coaches in Boston, because he finished with the two handed dunk at Ozen. He was always a beast on defense though and I see that carried over to the NBA.
  10. I dont' have the exact percentages. I'll try to get them for my Jags. I know that we have a guard that I have seen him miss only 1 free throw.
  11. I had J. Brown on mine till I re-read the name of the post. THEBRAIN said top 5 that are playing. So that takes Burell out too. O well then ill put Devin Bray-kountze and Buckner in their spots So you think that Bray is the best in southeast texas? Wow!!
  12. I had J. Brown on mine till I re-read the name of the post. THEBRAIN said top 5 that are playing. So that takes Burell out too.
  13. From the player's I've seen. 1. T. Thomas - East Chambers 2. J. Gulley - Central 3. D. Franks - Ozen 4. Lopez - West Brook 5. J. Buckner - Memorial / W. Jefferson - Ozen
  14. If we start running away with it early, Coach will pull Gulley out. You know and I know that he probably could drop a ton of points.
  15. Completely agree with this. They did look suspect inthe begining. I think they are poised to run away with it the second part of district, however, they will only beat EC by 4. 58-53 Lions. If they let Thomas run wild, EC will edge them by 2.
  16. Naw, Gulley won't have to score 40+ to win. Might score like 27 to 28 points. I expect that we start playing a lot better and beating these teams by respectable margins. We are a lot better than how we have been playing. Time to start showing vs. Lumberton tomorrow night.
  17. THEBRAIN, you just took the words out of my mouth. They did play yall realy tough last time. I just think that we see a tale of two teams. Bears are not playing good like they were. Panthers are hitting their stride. I predict a 26 point game. 33 - 59 Ozen.
  18. To Tiger, you mean to tell me that now we are 'letting, teams get the opportunity to taste playoff success? Whatever happened to earning them? And to touch on what Bullet and Aggie said, Lumberton (the 'Davids of this area)earned the chance to tangle with the big boys. I have a feeling that teams are going to play just good enough just to make the fourth spot. How about this? Just don't award a doggone district title? :-\
  19. Coop, your by yourself on this one, I believe. Scrub teams dont' deserve to be on the big stage.
  20. The whole Spurs starting linup was whining all night long!
  21. Should have been the coaches. Even losing coaches wouldn't have voted for this. They dont' want their team playing subpar, just enough to get in the playoffs just to get torched in the first round.
  22. They get yet, another thumbs down from me! Watered down! That's all it is!
  23. Although what you saying is somewhat confirmation on this, I dont' believe this at all. Sounds like horsepucky to me.
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