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Everything posted by BMTSoulja1

  1. I support him, whatever decision he makes. Dude is a hell of a coach! So are you implying that he may coach at Lamar? ;)
  2. Yea, Gulley would have had 30 something if he makes all his free throws. I havn't seen a Central player in a while that gets to the line like he does. I see a lot of promise in him!
  3. Just left the game and I got there with like 2 mins left in the 1st half. I saw a lot of improvement in this game. We're actually running plays for our bigs now. Gulley couldn't be stopped at all. EC looked good and they are just a one man team. In the second half, Thomas was denied the ball a lot or he would have gotten going. The different zone defenses and traps confused the EC ball guards. And just for the record, one of the refs made crazy calls all night and it just wasnt' against Central. That mess went both ways. EC player went up to block Gulley's layup and ref called a foul...there was no foul...it was all ball. I can go on and on. I'll leave it at this though. Good game, Jags. Way to show improvement!
  4. Yall trippin....This thread is looking more stupid every time I look up and see it every time... : :
  5. Central ended up losing to last year's YMBL champion en rout of them winning it again. Ozen got beat and out-hustled by a mediocre team, then lost to a scrub team after that :o! So don't come at me talking about a blowout. Like I said, it'll be a win at Jag Gym and a lose at Panther Gym.
  6. They went away from what was working. They was knocking down the 3 point shot. If it's falling, bombs away I always say.
  7. Like I said, I'm hoping for a season split. I dont' care how it's done, but it needs to be done! Ozen can be beaten and it was proven in the YMBL tourney. All you have to do is keep attacking.
  8. Brook didn't have their players for the first 2 weeks and they still got quality wins. I dont' think you wanna blame football on this. I think that LC-M is that good. I believe LC-M gave Ozen all they wanted.
  9. I saw him play and he's fun to watch. he plays those passing lanes as good as I've seen a high school ball player play them!
  10. If Coach don't get scared of Boutte and hid behind the bench, we'll be right in it. Wait, that wasn't nice. lol. u get my point.
  11. Yea, Vidor came to play. first of all, they dont' miss free throws. The only one that missed was their 'bigs'. Also, #11 was insane from behind the arch. #12 drove in and kicked it back out the #11 and it was money. I dont' know why they went away from that. It was working to perfection and we had no answer for it. Once again, our bigs play small. not good. We had good guard play. One of the guards hit a lot of key 3 pointers when we needed it. When we play against bigger teams, we will need to knock those down. We had some mental breakdowns that almost cost us this game, which if the Pirates stay on the game play, they would have been pulling off the upset. Almost got outcoached again. Jag coaching staff...if you want any chance at beating Ozen, you better get it together, or we will get plowed in the ground.
  12. Brook already crying about playing 4a teams. They won't go for it. They'll keep Westfield and if they can, will get another 5a team in.
  13. Imma have to check him out. How tall is he? and you say he's in JR. High? What grade, 8th?
  14. Yall slow down on Memorial's Coach. We try not to bash him. Carry on but not so rough on the guy or on J'Covan.
  15. Well put, bullets13. But you can always luck up and split the series with them.
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