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Everything posted by BMTSoulja1

  1. Lumberton by 21. You'll see a 22-4a sweep. Lumberton will hold their own in these playoffs. They want it bad!
  2. Titans can do it. I believe. Especially after seeing Humble in person. They have a good defense, but that offense didnt' impress me much.
  3. Congradulation, Brook. Way to make this city and this area proud. Ok, time to buckle it down and make a State run. No more playing around, which has been going on for the last few weeks. This team is good enough to play with anyone in the state. Stump, throw that conservative crap out the window. Let's put these teams away early. It's enough that we (this area) don't get any respect statewide. Let's go Brook!!!
  4. Hope they got a lot of room on the l-train. I'll try to make it. Proud of the fans and the team. I'm still amazed to see this day. This time last year, yall was the laughing stock of Texas and now yall are going to be a great representer to this area.
  5. Congrads! These raiders will make noise in these playoffs, trust me.
  6. So Kelly came from behind, huh? This is a resiliant bunch, I tell you that!
  7. go ahead, Titans. Get in that bad baby! I saw humble and they didnt' realy impress me that much. I think Memorial's athletes surpass Humble's. Go get 'em!
  8. Congrads, Broncos. You will represent this district great!
  9. Nederland still had a great season, but if you remember, I've been saying that nederland needs to find a consistant running game. Coach Neuman will make these adjustments in the offseason and will be set for another wild ride. Those guys didnt' make 11 straight playoff appearances for nothing. They will be back were they need to be, you can believe that.
  10. Its sad that MC lost. Its too bad one of them had to get left out.
  11. See, I have never seen a season like this. We start off ok. And we got worst as the season went on. A lot of give up. We'll redeem ourself next year.Ohh well, congradulation, Panthers. Way to cap off the season.
  12. They was calling me out on the wednesday call in show. I kept going back and forth about who would win out of PN-G and Dayton. They gave me a hard time. :D
  13. If you feel that way, then PN-G would have and should have won by more than a score.
  14. Lol....I thought you forgot... Nederland at Lumberton PN-G at Dayton LC-M at Vidor Central at Ozen By the hairs of their chinny chin chin Silsbee at Jasper Hardin at E. Chambers Kelly at Houston St. Pius This post almost shocked me!!! :o ;D ;D
  15. Run the ball well, and they will be in it. point blank!
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