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Everything posted by BMTSoulja1

  1. I saw that shabby sideline. they wouldnt' be deep enough on the bench.
  2. We didn't hear this talk when 'boy wonder' was at Kelly. Now yall fans are packing the gyms and everything. PA has nothing for BMT hoops, trust me. Yall will struggle with Kelly and Legacy! lol. Now, just playing. But yall would struggle with Brook and Central. Last year, yall had some decent roll players. I think it will be a one man show this year. Not enough to beat teams that play 'team' ball.
  3. When was the last time yall's district made it to the second round? What happened to that undefeated BH team last year? ;)
  4. Realy? You think so. That's your opinion. I wonder why Kelly isnt' on any of the Beaumont team's schedule? They would get smoked, man.
  5. Those were the days. Remember when the Beaumont Bowl used to start off with that guy parachuting in the stadum from that plane. Thoses games used to start at 1 on saturday. Kids rolling down the hill. Those were the days.
  6. Those colors might make me get a rash! :o
  7. It's a weak district alright. Just the facts. Crosby played the indians when they were experimenting with the spread. I think that if the Indians went smashmouth, it would have been over for crosby.
  8. ;D ;D Not a chance! ;D ;D...Then again, you never know.
  9. Wait a min. Didnt' Coach Green leave? I know nothing about the new coach, but Memorial's talent will have them make this an interesting game.
  10. Orangfield unies and a wolf as a mascot. Jaguar nation would love this!
  11. He's a great player onthe court. Not sure of the football.
  12. Yall talking about red and blue. I'll be in my regular Maroon and Gray. Hope that's not a problem. ;D ;D ;)
  13. The 'who cares' bowl was won by Central...The dry eyes guy was the guest announcer. The L-train steams past the yard of dog poo toward the playoffs Broncos stampede then Indians hide in Tepe. Brook stood in the way of their chanel view Titans become wilder than the wildcats
  14. Looks like they are pretty well balanced. You better not take them lightly. They are lival to hurt us than we hurt them, especially in the early parts of the game.
  15. It got me all fired up when I was hearing the Red Rowdys chanting 'Bonzi' during his press conference with Drexler and Worell. That's what I'm talking about!
  16. Imma try to go see Brook. If that don't go through, Imma check the Lumberton/Nederland game.
  17. Not beat them, mow them in the ground!
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