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Everything posted by BMTSoulja1

  1. That dang Ozen/PN-G game is alway a close game. But you can't go wrong with a win.
  2. It seems like that offense that we're running is holding all that talent back. He better do something and unleash it or we could be losing at home to Nederland. I'm not worried about the defense. They are looking more solid every week.
  3. You did predict that that offense was in the making and takes a while to click. Hope they can sustain this. Brook is fast and mean. Trust me!
  4. This realy is crazy. last year, I picked Lumberton over Dayton, and dayton wins. This year, I pick dayton, and Lumberton wins. What the heck is going on?!!
  5. (talking to the ugly caffeteria lady) I'll take that side of crow. Hold the hot sause. ;D
  6. I was saying that I dont' think that Frog has the instinct to be RB. He thinks he can outrun everyone. He dont' cut up. I've been saying that since the first game. That was a good play called for the Bears. Our defense bailed us out last night, with that play calling. You said you didn't see hits. I saw a few ones that raised an eybrow. Nothing to bring me out of my seat , thought. But the biggest positive I saw is that there was no arm tackles. Great stuff!
  7. Great win for Brook. Although two Brook fans that I talk to during the game wasn't all that impressed. They say that score should have been 50 something for brook. They say Stump went conservative in the second half.
  8. Congrads onthe win, Indians. Got a message from a spectator. Said Indians still garbage.
  9. Congrads PAM! Was getting updates from Titan, and he wasnt' a happy camper in the begining of the game. Glad to see them pull it out.
  10. Congrads to the Ganders. Hate to see Mr. Craft down. I hope it's not that serious either. Dude gained my respect last year. Yall will need him in this district run. Give me a rundown on how the game went, Pana.
  11. Talked to YEOJ. He'll be on here today with his analysis. He already told me. He said ,'Good win for PN-G. But they still trash thought...' ;D
  12. I feel bad for Ozen. But hey, I did pick PN-G to beat Ozen by a score.
  13. We want to welcome Nederland to the house of pain aka Babe Zaharias stadium. Nederlands last 2 trips there were a 47-7 romping and a 19-0 shutout. So it's only fair that I predict a 35-10 thwarting. ;D ;D You see this smile, but I'm realy very pissed with our coaching tonight.
  14. I tell you one thing. OUR PLAYERS played a whole lot better. I was impressed by that. but our coaching...that's another story. That same stupid sweep play by Hall wasnt' working. We pass the ball get a first down then we do that same play again. I'll never understand. The bears caught us with an up the middle run, and looked like he had paydirt. One of our defenders caught him from behind and I believe they kicked a FG. On LC-M behalf, their defense looked good. They mad some key stops and made good tackles. On offense they had some costly fumbles that halted their drives while in the red zone, as a previous poster said. I am very impressed by this Driver kid. He will hands down win player of the year in this district. He stands tall and throws high percentage passes.
  15. Dude, where do I start? Ohh yea, Coaching. I almost thought that our coaches wore forest green under that maroon and white shirt. Killing me!
  16. You can always shoot me a pm, Dayton! lol.
  17. I was watching the game with my boy, who is a Brook fan. I was telling him, that's how an offense is supposed to look. especialy when the big back kept going in motion right befor the snap. I was saying the same thing, 85. That's smashmouth dude. I realy loved it when they do the play action out of that offense. Talk about a thing of beauty. That's football!
  18. They're kids man. He wants the INT. But the smarter play would be to bat it down. It basically was an punt for Pfluggerville. I guess #1 wanted to make the field longer so he can pad his stats up. lol.
  19. Dont' worry, I'll be here. Matter of fact, sit by me at the game so I can personaly serve you crow. I'll put it in a cooler. Chilled crow.
  20. Well, the last few years, strong. I think that it's weak this year, and I predict a first round exit for all of our playoffs representers. I hope I'm wrong.
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