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Everything posted by BMTSoulja1

  1. Last year, Nederland scheduled us for their homecoming and got ran out the stadium 63-24. The anouncers were like ' you're supposed to schedule the weakest team on your schedule on homecoming. I want to know who's idea it was to schedule Central?' Priceless!
  2. Definatley not our announcer. He sounds like the 'dry eyes' dude from the visine commercials. He even gets the players names wrong and on 3rd and 2, he say it's 2nd and 15. Geesh!
  3. Yes indeed. This is a heck of a list from Central. I forgot about lil' Tony Coleman. He was fast. The best players, IMO, is B. Williams, McElroy, or Holts. All three were barbarians.
  4. Uh, I donn't think so. I still want to see how they do against these teams in this district, starting with Dayton.
  5. It was on channel 26. that was a great game. the Leander Coach iced the Pflugerville kicker, and it went wide left. Here is the go for 2 or the 1 thread that Coop created all over again. Pflugerville was moving the ball pretty well, which makes me wonder why not take a stab for 2. Than again, inthe heat of the moment, I would have went for the tie. By the way, #1 for Leander is insane, enough said. All over the freakin field making play after play, offense and defense. :o :o
  6. How many Lumberton threads do we need?
  7. or,,,,, there are no powerhouse teams, and they all are on the same average level this year. The two that were dominate were Dayton and Ned. but now that they lost their top QB's I find them almost to the same level as the other teams, but still slightly ahead of the pack. 1. Dayton 2. Ned 3. PNG-tie with lumb. but win in heads up 4. Lumberton 5. Central 6. LCM 7. Vidor 8. ozen
  8. 29 hours till those Beasts in Black show up to terrorize!!!
  9. What kind of thread is this?? :-\
  10. I guess that 99 mauling was sufficient? even though it was a couple of years later? ;D
  11. Dayton for now because theyhave turf. But as far as grass goes, it has to be eithere Lumberton's or Cardinal Stadium. Ozen's stadium held up pretty good even after the flooding.
  12. Haha. Called their bluff! Looks like crabs walking backwards on a beach.
  13. As soon as I get back from Orange, I will give them P's if that happened. And that's a big IF.
  14. Offense. Favorate position is the RB and nothing like running the defender over or dragging guys with you into the end zone. Nothing like getting up, seeing 2 defenders that just tried to tackle you. You get to give them that stare on your way to the sidelines. ;D
  15. Man, is that pic supposed to be intimidating? :D ;D ;D Remember, Yall only have 46 hours till all the talking and other nonsense ends.
  16. Years ago before Ozen was in existance, during a pep rally at Central, the Bruin bear come in the gym and was immediatly tackled and taken to the floor by the players and students started ripping the ears off. The person inside the bear was shaken up but was alright. This was when the motto was 'Beat the Brook'.
  17. Priceless! That's all I can say. This Might make it inthe Classic section! This is exacly how I feel on fridays at about 4:00 pm
  18. Wanna put somebody hot up there, you would do Halle Berry or the chick from 'Underworld' :o
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