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Everything posted by BMTSoulja1

  1. He threw one of his picks because the reciever let the ball hit his hands and the defender got it. The other one was just a great play by the Sterling defender. I like Fobbs because he actually looks to pass the ball. In high school, you're most likely not going to see superior secondaries. More run stoping defenses. So I say bombs away.
  2. Yea, in 2003, When suggs was with Central, dude sat on a 3-0 lead for 3 quarters. But unlike Suggs, looks like Nimitz passed the ball a lot for a lot of yards. He must have given the OC all the control last night.
  3. He put his hand up, but that was a beautiful strike. Caught him in stride. I'm telling you man, the two plays were identical! Sterling didn't change anything Central didnt' either. He caught the ball in the same area of the end zone. Amazing.
  4. I was in a foul mood watching that mess. Coaches cant get the play in on the field. The next playneeds to be decided on while the current play is going on. Lot of things to work on.
  5. Not making excuses. Just telling it how it looked in my eyes as unbiased as I could put it.
  6. Great game, Brook. Yes, you have earned their respect and I'm sure they will remember this game for a long time. You'll do just fine in district. You have my support all the way!
  7. Great your Ganders pulled out a win, Pana.
  8. Should have been 42-0. I'm still not impressed. The QB had brain freeze and heard it big time from coach with some choice words. This was a fumble-fest. We drove down the field and Hall's brother kept fumbling. He got an earful too. Other than that, the stupid penalties when we're 1st and goal on the 3 yard line and we end up 1st and 20. Set me on fire! Defense still needs to work on tackling. There was a lot of plays that Sterling's QB should have been sacked for lossed but he got away. There was some promise though. Sterling called a slant rout (suicide route) and a Sterling reciever almost got his head taken off. That's the kind of attitude I like to see, Jags. Finaly, in the 4th qt, QB ran an out play for Spikes from like 40 yards out I think and caught the TD catch over the defender. every other ref called a TD but the backjudge (the ref behind the offense) over ruled it. ??? ??? ???...We did the same play, Sterling ran the same defense, QB threw the ball to the same reciever onthe same fly pattern and caught him in stride for the TD. I guess that was a statement to the Houston refs. Still have a lot of work to do before district. Player of the game is Hall. Caught a TD and ran for one also with over 100 yard. Yea, yea, yea, I know it's Sterling, but hey, I'll take this 'ugly' one.
  9. No, it's not jones. The team your talking about is Houston Davis. That is the record holder!
  10. You know what? It's realy good that you see things in the same light as I do. maybe we need to have a talk with the coaching staff!
  11. Yea, I was wondering why he didnt utilize 'Chopper' when he was at Central. All that speed he had.
  12. 299 rushing yards? Wow. 'If they cant stop the run, just keep running!' Thanks, Coop.
  13. Brook by 6 if Westfield runs and don't pass. If they mix it up, Westfield by 14. But knowing them, they will go with my first senerio.
  14. Great win, Pirates! I bet those rushing yards were racking up for Vidor.
  15. Yea, they are right about Suggs football. He will run, run, then run again. They say he runs 60% of the time. How about 80%! I've seen a game at Central when he only passed once.
  16. Freak of nature. And they tell returners 'you better not like the kicker tackle you!' ;D ;D
  17. There is two sides to every story, guys. Parents probably teaching these children. But when you become grown, move out, and start fending on your own, you make your own decision. You begin experiencing new things, and sometimes you get caught up inthe wrong crowd and doing wrong things. Can't fault the parents all the time. Parents cant hold the hand of a grown man.
  18. Hall. Once we put him where he can be utilized more, Central will be were they need to be. I hope starting tomorrow.
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