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Everything posted by BMTSoulja1

  1. Offensive player should have lowered the shoulder and he wouldnt have been in that situation. Might have even gotten away.
  2. No, Durham was #7. I doubt that he would have tried to go head up with that animal like that, knowing that he was all the team had.
  3. 'Nice power bomb. Compliments of Capain Insano!' Now I wonder if he would have tried that to no. 5 from the Jags team last year? ;D ;D
  4. That thing looks good man, and you know it! lol. Sure your just saying that because in Galveston and Harris county, those things are the norm. But down here, Ned is setting trends. Who cares that we are 20 light years behind.
  5. Who cares? It's a sports forum. Everybody knows what he means, including you. Get your panties out of a bunch and have fun...geesh!
  6. You see why I always called in the 'Suprise'. I can go on and on.
  7. I realy hate to hear this. Tall, fast, and smart. Exellent field leader. Hope he comes back with avengence!
  8. That's my argument. Acording to this poll, why isnt' Lumberton ranked?
  9. I agree with the decision. Brown dont'have the wheel that the other QB has but he does have wheels. I saw a whole lot of tackles he evaded vs Ozen.
  10. Don't matter, we'll get Frog and company to swim to the end zone!
  11. Buy!!! What 22-4a team will have the best passing attack after week 10?
  12. You asked the question, then you answered them...OOOOh K... ???
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