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Everything posted by BMTSoulja1

  1. I bet they're busting their butts in practice. Stewart has them in overdrive. And they're going to drive right over Nac. Feel sorry for those guys.
  2. So the Tigers have some young guns, huh? Future looks realy bright.
  3. WO-S by a lot. Unless LC-M can keep their offense off the field and have long time consuming drives.
  4. It may be just what they need. They'll be fired up to be ranked, they wouln't want to lose that ranking and will play hard as heck!
  5. Realy. Spread O and chilly weather dont' go good together. There should be smashmouth football going on there!
  6. No. I was just saying that Ozen was pretty good a few years ago, and would give anyone a run for their money.
  7. Naw, Ozen was pretty tough when memorial just opened.
  8. BH will get murdered out there in my opinion. Brooks will have them looking like a well oiled machine.
  9. Do you realy believe this? They play Houston Lamar, which was a state ranked power last year, and Aldine Nimitz, who is coached by a familiar face, Coach Suggs. I believe Ozen will give PAM all they want, so they definately dont' have a weak schedule.
  10. Well there you go. No A/C...No ice cream in the locker room. All football, all conditions. What do you have to say now, Drake?
  11. Haha, please... : ;D...I just wanted to know because I'm so impressed that that bulldogs were roughing the Cubs up like that. Maybe I'm living through yall right now, sense we got skinned alive by Brenham in the playoffs 2 years ago.
  12. If he needs to flee the pocket due to the pocket closing in, can he make good decisions to not take a loss and not throw an int or fumble? Or is it too early to make an assessment like that? If not, then tell me after friday. Realy want to know. Neumann will put the best player for the job in place, I'm sure.
  13. ;D ;D ;D...ok, you wanna know the truth? I walked in and turned the A/C off. I sneaked in and cloged up the air ducts going to the visitor's locker room. You busted me. ;D ;D
  14. yea, I'll say it. It was atascosita. I bet the stunk up the place, from what I heard about that coach.
  15. Whatever you say. Not going to stoop to your level witht the name calling. At least when backed into a corner, Pana comes with more knowlege. You go to namecalling. A perfect example for your comunity and the school you represent. Way to go, guy! ;)
  16. There will be none this week. BTW, if Ozen does beat Memorial, it won't be an upset.
  17. um...when you ask a question, you normaly answer yes or no. Or maybe yes, but not a blowout or 'heck no, Brook and Memorial will ring us out the dry!
  18. Well I would like the week 0 bye, but for a while there, we did have a week 10 bye. It's cool because you can have more time to scout your first round playoff oponent and deal with injuries. But at the same time, if your on a roll, you may lost some of that steam. Also, if you are just backing into the playoffs, you may need that extra week to gather yourself and get ready for that first round. So I guess, it all balances its self out at some point durring the year.
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