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Everything posted by BMTSoulja1

  1. I give the kid his p's. I respect him. But he can be forced into mistakes if he's running for his life. ;D
  2. nope. And I think this was already said. If a team has less than a .500 record, they should be disqualified fromt he playoffs. If they are under .500 and makes the playoffs, that means that they were weak in nondistrict and less than mediocre in district. They probably had to rely on a last week scenerio just to get a berth.
  3. Actually this will be the third year. We've done pretty good against the run. I just wonder f we can tighten that suspect pass defense. That's another thread.
  4. Well, they both ducked Central in 2005. I called it dodging the Maroon and Gray bullet. And you see what happened last year. ;D ;D ;D ;D
  5. And if Ozen wins, we don't make the playoffs and go on 3 deep in the playoffs. But what's fair is what 's fair. They blew that play, big time in front of a packed house.
  6. We beat Vidor once that year. If I recall, be lost twice to them. Once in district and the other on in the playoff preview game.I hope we be ok.
  7. Bring Coach Green back??!! Heck Bring Coach English over to Central. He beat Ozen 3 times in 1 year, so obviously, he knows something. He did that without athletes.
  8. I'm for real, when Boutte stands up and starts coaching in the second quarter, our coach goes behind the scorers table. Well exagerating. He just sits there with his chin resting in his hand. I honestly think a lot of coaches can get the job done, just dont' freeze up in the moment and not be afraid to adjust or make changes. Also, not be afraid to bench great players.
  9. Ozen will be ok if they can go 2-1 in that brutal nondistrict.
  10. Yea, Coach Klien, that's his name. :D LMAO. But if you can pull out wins agains Ozen, you can play with anybody in the state. That's how I see it. Becasue you settle for losing to Ozen because they are this basketball capital, which they are, then what are you going to do when you come across another team like this? And in the playoffs, teams like this are in abundance, especially after the first round. Sounds familiar? Same ol' song, DV. Same ol' song. Just like I told you, we have just as many athletes as Ozen, so these games arnt' lost before their started.
  11. I agree with both you guys. I am one of those scattered Jag fans that still go and support the kids. Ozen has a great program with a great coach. I believe that last years least talented (and DV, you know excactly what I'm talking about since we've had this talk before) Ozen team should have been beaten, at least once. Rice is a good coach, which I'm not, so I cant say that he should be fired. But I do know this for one thing. When Green was there, there was a program going on there. Kids wanted to show up and bust their butts. Fans were there. Everybody talked about the B-ball team. There was some things that were said and done concerning the coach that didnt' sit right with me that I'm not going to discuss on a message board. Last year's lose to Lamar Consolidated was because of a bonehead last playcall. Take it how you want it, but I think a change wouldnt' be to bad, unless Rice can get it together in a year. Remember at one point, it was unheard of for scrub teams to even hang around by 30+. Now we keep these teams in the game so everybody that plays us thinks they can win. BTW, Boutte can be outcoached, it's possible. All you have to do is stop acting like that coach from 'Waterboy'.
  12. I remember that game, I think. Was it at the Rez? All I remember from that game is that the Indians played us tough that whole night. Central fans felt like we should have blown yall away,but we won by like 8 I think if I recall. I dont remember a punch in the Jewels. Seems like I would have remembered that.
  13. Lumberton's Jersey's arn't bad. It's just will that blue and red blended in like that. It kindof reminds me of somebodys middle school uniforms.
  14. yea, that's why I said some of the best. No way I can forget about Sweet and Mathews.
  15. I didn't say they were great. I asked you what you thought. ;D ;D That was an amazing shot though. And that team did poses some of Central's best players.
  16. Tell you the truth Titan, I would rather see yall playing Midland Lee again. Actually, yall are downplaying yallself in a since by thinking about playing Nederland or PN-G. Kinda doing it with Ozen. I guess it's not realy that bad because Ozen is the biggest school in district and has tons of athletes.
  17. What about that 99 Central team that made it to state? Was that not a good team?
  18. Good to see that Mike is doing good. He was a part of that brilliant 2003 team.
  19. :o :oI know you got a lot of gray hair that year! Even as a kid!
  20. Goodness gratious! That must have been very painful to watch. I witnessed our butt whippings. But with that kind, I would have left at halftime!
  21. I dont' trust the chain gang. I need my microscope when I go to games! ;D ;D ;D
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