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Everything posted by BMTSoulja1

  1. LaPorte is not a bad team... I predict them to split with NS by season's end...
  2. I know one thing. NS is in trouble...
  3. SheWolves P. Anderson - 28 pts, C. Dill - 7 pts, Bulldogs K. Wooley - 24 pts, K. Paul - 8 points, K. Cummings - 8 pts
  4. LaPorte -46 United - 48 Final
  5. 3:04 left in game. BU up 47-41
  6. LaPorte -35 United - 86 Final Dunk count 7-0 BU
  7. LaPorte -24 United - 68 End of the 3rd period
  8. LaPorte -29 United - 23 Halftime
  9. LaPorte - 17 United - 43 Halftime
  10. LaPorte -13 United - 10 End of the 1st Periid
  11. LaPorte - 11 United - 24 End of the 1st Period
  12. Couple of things... first of all, #9 6a team plays an unranked team tonight . Not exactly a big profile game. Actually, this is expected to be a blowout. 2nd, there is no thread up for a United vs. LaPorte game (tonight) or the big profile #9 vs #10 6a TUESDAY matchup, so there will be minimum traffic on a non existing thread... 🙄🙄
  13. If you don't want to do all the scrolling, is suggest using the 'find' option on your browser. It's a search option in a page that lets you enter the key words, which in this case is your team. You can quickly get to what your looking for without scrolling. But these guys out in a lot of work to have this information accessible and I doubt that there would be a link for it in the near future.
  14. 👀👀👀👀👀👀
  15. Important stuff here. What is the projected dunk count of this game?
  16. Don't know anyone that made the trip.
  17. Channelview - 14 United - 64 Final
  18. Channelview - 9 United - 46 End of the 3rd Period
  19. Channelview - 5 United - 32 Halftime
  20. Channelview - 4 United - 20 End of the 1st Period
  21. Most schools have more than one gym for boys and girls though...
  22. ??? Isn't this pretty much the same question asked in that other thread?
  23. Good to see United on the move up the rankings...
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