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Everything posted by BMTSoulja1

  1. The girls took a liking to SheWolves. Officially, when you refer to the girls side of things, you just add lady to whatever the mascot is, in this case, Lady Timberwolves is technically correct. I just see SheWolves being better cutting back from a 5 syllable name to only 2 syllables... on top of the girls already preferring the aforementioned....
  2. Mayde Creek - 35 United - 56 Final Next game at 8:30 tonight vs. #17 Ridge Point
  3. With due respect, the 6a part is very questionable...
  4. About time. Give those girls some recognition. They definitely deserve it.
  5. Actually, he arrived and coached starting in 2005...through 2008...
  6. That's why I say if the cards were played correctly. Obviously, they weren't. Just a good thought for a what if deal if that kind of talent had stuck around. Hypothetical thinking, nothing more, nothing less...
  7. Looks good here...
  8. They also competed in a solid Clear Creek tournament and went 4-1 with their only loss (single digit loss) to #2 6a Summer Creek...
  9. Coogs have been pretty solid this year and only have like 4 or 5 losses and have beaten teams in higher classifications and are in the top 10 in 4a.
  10. That's not what I was saying. First of all, the kid didn't have a choice. Second of all, I said if... that's a capital IF the cards were played differently. They weren't, so the kid is NOT playing ball in Beaumont. I wasn't trying to compare Beaumont to those other places. I don't even know how you could gather that from what I said above. 🤷🏾‍♂️ Basically a 'what if' type post...
  11. Just saying. I know their situation, so I know why Stowers not in Beaumont, which is why I said if cards were played different.
  12. I don't know the situation with that kid, so I didn't mention him.
  13. If the cards were played correctly, this kid could've been right here playing ball in Beaumont. Smh
  14. That QB will be something special in a few years...
  15. NS getting these breaks. Need a score now...
  16. Another TO by Duncanville. NS ball.
  17. Big mistake by D-ville resulting in a ND TD!
  18. TD NS. What a push!
  19. Not took a hit and kept going and held onto the ball...
  20. A little 'shade' thrown, I see... 😂😂😂
  21. I know we shouldn't be talking about rumors on here, so we will stop unless we have substantial evidence and proof of this happening. This is happening just like the rumor that big brother was living in Beaumont a few years ago...
  22. Yea, pretty good luxury to have a freshman in the clutch like that. Especially when teams will look to foul the younger kid with less experience.
  23. 👀👀👀👀
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