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Everything posted by BMTSoulja1

  1. Summer Creek - 29 United - 40 Halftime
  2. Summer Creek - 10 United - 22 End of the 1st Period
  3. Upset complete! Quoted fron a United fan: 'Our #3 is better than yall #3'
  4. Ohh, please, noooo! Lol
  5. My fingers slipped...
  6. I always feel if I'm not at the game and I wear the team shirt while listening to the broadcast the team I root for loses. Also, when I ring a casual spectator with me to the game to watch a team I root for , my team loses.
  7. Another thing is kids must be accompanied by an adult and must have their school id. In other words, no dropping kids off to the game.
  8. *tips hat*
  9. Dude. 🤣🤣💀💀
  10. No matter how you get ejected, you're supposed to hit the locker room.
  11. Yep. No umbrellas or bags. Pretty much the same rules of SEVERAL stadiums across the state...
  12. Those days have been passed. New regime has been in place for pushing close to 10 years now. Lots have changed since then. Dont believe me, you can research it yourself. We know the name of the stadium, but I'm sure there are a lot more people that have the same common nickname for it vs. It's official name.. Back to the point at hand. The stadium has everything plus some for a really good playoff atmosphere for fans, players, and media alike. Gonna be an electric experience Friday (pun intended)...
  13. Correct. They'll be in front of tvs playing Madden and boosting their physical speed...
  14. I don't know about the every week part, but ok.
  15. Exactly what I was saying. Nederland and several other schools...
  16. Is WO-S having closed practices this week?
  17. It's written in blood now. BISD stadium it is... this Friday, 7:30. 'Stangs the home team...
  18. Lord Jesus... lol That cant be the definition of Physical Speed.
  19. ...and I would feel good keeping that money here locally instead of going to that Houston area...
  20. What's the problem with that? BISD has hosted many playoff games including WO-S and other local teams with no issues, plenty of parking, plenty of room, easy access, ect.
  21. What did Memorial's opponents have size wise and skill wise?
  22. Is the the speed more physical?
  23. Would be nice to have this game at Da Butch...
  24. I have ties to the team. At least until after next year...
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