Talked to friend about the possible Central/Ozen merger. Came to the conclusion that:
The football team probably won't make the playoffs first year. Beakng in 6a, you'll be in a district with West Brook. They'll be good again next year, and if they're in the district with North Shore and the rest of those teams, they won't get in past NS, WB, Or any of those guys. Definitely not if they're in the district with the Humble schools (Atascocita, Summer Creek, ect.) .
Basketball, they'll have the most success. Central and Ozen never has problems with Basketball talent. They'd probably my be an instant state contender.
Track, they'd be very good as well. Athletes everywhere.
Baseball, uhh, no. Soccer, maybe.
Obviously, lots of things at play here. Which parents are going to fully support the new school and what coaches will get the positions. So many ways this thing can go. I'm just interested in what numbers Mr. Jackson and the administration will go with this.