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Everything posted by BMTSoulja1

  1. H-J - 46 Silsbee - 75
  2. I love Bacon, Mayonnaise, and Tomatoes in my hamburgers. And at the time I started posting, I was looking for a 'SOULmate'. And out of pure coincidence, I just so happen be raised in BMT, Texas.
  3. There is one particular player in general that needs to get better at shooting the long ball to stretch the defense and play better on the ball defense to make them a complete player. Yes already very good on offense. There's also a player on the bench that needs more playing time, especially in the playoffs when you'll need better defense than better offense.
  4. Do you think that it's coincidence that NO high school locker room or field house has installed cameras? I'm sure that locker room or field house theft at some point has happened at many high schools across the state and in our area... Let that tidbit of information digest for a moment....
  5. And you call it crawfishing..... I call it not entertaining foolishness... I guess to each his own...
  6. I'm sure you can answer your own question. I mean, even the densest person I know can answer a question like that, and I'm pretty sure that you're at least as smart as them...
  7. Funny... You never asked AAW to answer my question that was side stepped... So I see it as you're just trying to provoke me. Seems to be a trend from you and a lot of debates. And each time you do, I can really burst your bubble, but I'll hold strong on my 2017 New year resolution. Enjoy your day.
  8. I see selective comprehension is not what you gave up for your 2017 New year's resolution. But you're the same one that justified pushing an older woman put of the way if she's blocking a door instead of calling the proper authorities...
  9. We respectively agree to disagree... I would think the next thing in line would be why is it ok for a district employee to break the rules and admit to it. But all to their own.
  10. When will Bull be back?
  11. I agreed with your previous statement because with the negative light that's been on BISD in the past, could you have imagined the domino effect it would have caused around the area? Talking about the BISD detractors and BISD employees that are secret detractors that are held over from the previous administration... Best thing that could be done was reinstate him to prevent the backlash...
  12. I like How you side stepped my question... But with that being said, your statement is actually pretty accurate. But wouldn't that open the door for more BISD employees to break the rule and then claim that they felt they were doing the right thing? You see, this is why rules at jobs are pretty cut and dry...
  13. My 'clap back' wouldn't have been nice and wouldn't been completely out of line and I would've had to ban myself. Anywho, good day, guy...
  14. They do a good job of masking who the culprit was. People outside of West Brook would never know who the kid was... Lucky for me, I'm one of the few outside of WB that knows who this kid is... Now if the kid was reprimanded, I don't know. Strange, but I'm sure they you or me will ever find out if he was reprimanded...
  15. At my job, if I knowingly break the rules, no matter what, I would be reprimanded to the umpteenth power and I'd get terminated. I guess it's all about who you are and if the agenda fits the masses. Or certain leniencies for particular individuals.
  16. When you break the rules, it's the right thing to do? Smh... Anyway, back to work. He has a lot of talent returning....
  17. Can't say that I'm surprised....
  18. Yes, I do. But it's obvious blunders I rant about. I rant about repetitively foul ups that's occured for 4 consecutive years. Silsbee's coach has only been coach for 1 season and first HC job and didn't do as bad as someone else I know. But you can refer to me as Pot.
  19. ...and that's the argument that I was having every week with the wonderful folks of 'Smoketown, Tx' when the horrible coach or fire the coach rants were raining in the stands. I told them that. Newton, WO-S, and PN-G were state ranked and made the playoffs. WO-S was the defending champs at that time... And Bridge City put up insane numbers prior to the Silsbee game. But I ' just don't understand'. I was told that the job was over his head... Blah blah blah. Glad that this link supports what I've been telling numbskulls all season long...
  20. So I assume jv got pushed back to like 1?
  21. I was asking a out individual players... I followed the sophmores on this team when they were fish last year... Some kids I was looking forward to following on JV this year...
  22. I heard a lot of TW fans didn't bother making the trip because they knew 'Bull' wouldn't play and they thought they would get smoked...
  23. New year, and I'm not taking the bait. Because you waste energy screaming upon deaf ears. But if I jab back with a mention of Vidor, I'd be wrong.
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