My thoughts on PA ISD....
My wife worked out there. If it's academics that's the problem, then I'm calling BS. There are smart kids in PA that'll push a child to finish too percent there. The top rung of students there isn't the problem. The middle and bottom tier is the problem. But with that problem comes... Parents that usually don't care. There are so many programs at Memorial that students can take advantage of. Parents are told about these programs but most aren't involved or just don't give a damn. I can tell you this. Memorial can help their kids more than BISD does. They don't have many programs to help the struggling students. Parents won't come out and get involved. And when those bad report cards come in, that's when the parents want to raise all kind of you know what. I'm just speaking an a academic standpoint. Now athletics, Memorial Wil push you so many athletically gifted kids walking around PA. Sometimes, you're child just don't cut the mustard, compared to the other kids. At that point, your kid will just need to work harder. Don't transfer because the competition is too great. Stay in PA, get your lesson, grind hard in practice and in off-season. The stigma about PA is just so inaccurate, and even people that were born and raised in PA get the wool pulled over their heads.
I'm a firm believer that kids flourish where they're more comfortable. Comfortable with kids they've grown up with. Not talking about race, because Memorial is more diverse than you think. Lot of Asians and Mexicans walk the halls there.
In conclusion, keep the kids home. Besides real life issues like changing of jobs, divorces, marriages, ect., there's no real reason to be 'running' from PA ISD.