Yea, you're right. I was thinking of the incoming seniors, not the Juniors. My mistake... (see how I answer questions and rebuttal in a timely manor? )
Well, they had a realisitic shot, but lets face it. The best playmakers and the most talent lied in the freshman and sophmore class... Those kids will be Juniors and Sophmores now. If anything, we should have been pegging THIS year (this upcoming season )as the year....
...this decision was already determined when Cavness shot down that ridiculous notion. I guess it has to be and 'official' agreement... Smh. Whatever... Football season, come on. Play ball!
No, not at all. I was proving the point about comparing Nederland to Katy, demographics, ethnically, ect. PAM now playing the Nederlands now, vs. The Deer Parks, Baytown Sterlings, ect....