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Everything posted by BMTSoulja1

  1. Where the link?
  2. Little of both, I think...
  3. Ohh, how nice! Gee, thanks!
  4. Hahaha. I know, but I'm sure that you also will be taking that same approach. Lmbo
  5. I will, but I'll take the wait and see approach....
  6. Do you call that a parking lot, behind the scoreboard? Ohh, they must be talking about Hamburger Depot's parking lot...
  7. *clears throat*
  8. *manner Smart Arse...lol
  9. Yes, this is the year, imo...
  10. Yea, you're right. I was thinking of the incoming seniors, not the Juniors. My mistake... (see how I answer questions and rebuttal in a timely manor? )
  11. So there's length coming in... That's all that Silsbee's been missing... And it's probably the reason they lost to Sterling 2 years ago...
  12. Imo, 2016-2017 juniors is the meat of the talent and Adams and younger McCain makes that Sophmore class go...
  13. Well, they had a realisitic shot, but lets face it. The best playmakers and the most talent lied in the freshman and sophmore class... Those kids will be Juniors and Sophmores now. If anything, we should have been pegging THIS year (this upcoming season )as the year....
  14. Don't worry, I did too....
  15. ...this decision was already determined when Cavness shot down that ridiculous notion. I guess it has to be and 'official' agreement... Smh. Whatever... Football season, come on. Play ball!
  16. Do y'all hold the annual secret spring game on turf or grass?
  17. I think popcorn balls are in order...
  18. I was being sarcastic... Lol
  19. No, not at all. I was proving the point about comparing Nederland to Katy, demographics, ethnically, ect. PAM now playing the Nederlands now, vs. The Deer Parks, Baytown Sterlings, ect....
  20. Yea, and I'm a strapping young 24 year old!
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