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Everything posted by BMTSoulja1

  1. BG is in full football swing...
  2. Last of the old and tired regime. Maybe they can just do away with the position altogether and let these coaches take care of their own campuses and give them a raise, split 3 ways...
  3. *popcorn in hand*
  4. Good riddance. This was supposed to happen years ago. *hand clap*
  5. Well, still not 'official' but VERY close to official...
  6. Lol
  7. I was under the impression that NO head coach can physically be there to coach or head off a summer program. I though the coach can only get with players when 2 a days start in August. So even if a coach was there, if after the last day of school, the coach wouldn't be able to get at players.... At least this is the information I though was correct....
  8. Well, not 'officially'.
  9. You think he's better than King? That's saying a lot. King was a gamer...
  10. I mean better passing #'s...
  11. I saw Jones in action. He's dead accurate and makes few mistakes... And with the receivers that he'll be throwing to, he could be a great passer...
  12. Nope... To many explosive receivers. You need them on the field at all times to utilize the passing attack. Keep the defense at a disadvantage...
  13. Yea, but if the new regime isn't in place when actual regular school is going on, that will be near impossible to do...
  14. Both of those kids need to be back there to terrorize defenses. Both of them are gamers and you'll have heck just game planning for one. But for 2, at the same time... Smh. Depending on blandness o-line meshes, could be one of the best backfields in the state this year.
  15. I agree. Seen him play aau about a month ago. Kid has gotten so much better. He'll, without a doubt be the man at Ozen next year...
  16. I don't think hiring Nelson would be the bandaid. If you saw him at work last time he was at Ozen, you'd know what we're talking about.
  17. I Agree!
  18. It a a wait and see approach . But many of the kid's are focused on 7 on 7 football at the moment...
  19. Where's my eyes rolling emoji? Lol
  20. That's 2 L's that I know y'all are taking on the chin... Lol
  21. ... 2 with home run speed, the rest runs 5.0 in a 40.... Basically, same as last year... Which resulted in a 3-7 season.... Anywho....
  22. Based on what he mumbled, they'll be other good ones to tote the pill. But like I've said before, too much uncertainty right now. Things will clear up soon enough...
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