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Everything posted by BMTSoulja1

  1. Kid is a gamer, I've seen him and he is the truth. But maybe most colleges are looking for more height, quicker feet and hands... Stuff like that...
  2. Question... How tall is Bullock?
  3. I agree... But that's my point. See how your kids are zoned to Central but went to Odom? Ozen is low on numbers as it is and they rely on numbers from their two feeder schools. South Park and Odom. But with a lot of kids that attend Odom from all over town NOT zoned to Ozen, Ozen's population probably is directly affected...
  4. I thought it was that there must be 1 6a school in the district and if one school is a magnet school, the other needs to be one and play in the same classification...
  5. True... But Odom has the Pegasus program, a sort of magnet program and any kid from anywhere in Beaumont can go there. So an Odom kid going to high school goes back to the school that they're originally zonned to, which probably isn't Ozen....
  6. I'll check again though because I was discussing this very thing.... About Ozen playing up or dropping and I made mention about the Magnet situation and that's when I was told whatbi was told about Ozen's Magnet status...
  7. Yes, I knew about that info from the link, but I was discussing this magnet topic to a few BISD employees and was told that the Magnet Program was not available this year for some reason... I never checked the validity of that though.
  8. Very true... But at the same time, is Ozen still considered a magnet school? I'm not convinced. I believe only Central is recognized as a magnet school....
  9. VERY valid points, Grad. All accurate. Adonis, Mackey, Barnes, and Big Hudson definitely made life easy for D. Thomas.
  10. That WO-S team was a great team. No doubt about that. But the WRS award is an individual award. With that said, how can you look past the Silsbee kid? The WO-S kid did great this year, But with that good team, I know almost like 10 other kids you could plug in at QB there and the same results would have occurred..
  11. Honestly, OF has some valid points.... Not taking anything from the WO-S qb, but the Thomas kid from Silsbee would be my guy...
  12. The snapshot numbers for Ozen THIS realignment was released already and they are below the 5a numbers and in the 4a numbers. Before, Ozen was in their right class. They were just considered a small 5a. Now, they're really just a big 4a team...
  13. Really? I don't know because I left after the Fish finished...
  14. Congrats to him, but I hopes he knows that the job isn't done yet. #orangecrush
  15. Really good post.... For someone that 99% of their posts are outlandish and headscratch worthy....
  16. I see what you're saying.. It just touches close to home because the thought of that my son could've been there...
  17. I guess I had to have been there... It just seems that when things like this escalates, you normally see it coming. You can see the riff raff forming. And generally, it never escalates like that when law enforcement is in plain view.... Or adults, coaches, or parents are present. I've seen quite a few scuffles after games, never when the adults are in place. This incident in Jasper, seems like an exception maybe.
  18. I would say Jasper authority, but I find it funny that NON of the Jasper players were nowhere close to being in an unsafe situation... That tells me that Silsbee has got to do a better job for future trips to Jasper and other out of town events....
  19. You can go to Jasper. Don't punish the Jasper kids. But law enforcement and responsible adults need to be in place and do a better job of monitoring the situation... And the kids..
  20. True.... They'd compete better all around...
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