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Everything posted by BMTSoulja1

  1. I don't think our administrationl/AD hate Ozen like y'all think. Remember, the HC is a close relative if the AD. Why would the hate exist? Imo, it's in y'all head Now I can't speak for others, but I don't hate on Ozen. I always talk them up, more so this year.
  2. lol. And you know doggone well BG and I frequently disagree... Just like you and I frequently agree. Lol
  3. I never said that. But I did say that like Ozen, Central will need to win. Now, if Central and Ozen meet in the Championship tomorrow, and Ozen beats Central like they stole something, then the tough side of the bracket mess y'all been talking will be out of the window, and my point would be further proven. Play the team in front of you and win..
  4. Keep balling Tigers! How many did Adams finish with?
  5. No matter what, weak bracket or strong bracket, Ozen advanced and will play in the Simi finals, just like Central. And guys what, just like Ozen, Central has to WIN. Lace em up and win. Looking back, now that Ozen beat this team, all the complaining about tough brackets looks a little silly.
  6. Lol... So that's the reason now? I almost spit my coffee on my phone. Lmbo!
  7. Bout time. Between the last time that how showed up, we have 1 consistent Sr. that always show up and even 2 sophmores have been in the limelight more. But anyway, congrats to Ozen...
  8. Ozen won in that brutal first round and advanced, like good teams do with no fussing... Maybe some of the fans can learn from the players....
  9. Atwood actually has a SMRJ, while you talking... Lol. And a thunderous dunk...
  10. Dont worry. I have contacts that will be at the game.
  11. Ohh yea.. I just found out that dunk count in the Central/Sharpstown game was 1-0...
  12. ....that's my attitude...
  13. I'm glad that you share my sentiments.... Thank you...
  14. There were some complaints in howt he games were called, but ultimately, the reason why is because of the risk of playing the same teams several times... West Brook, Memorial, and especially Ozen frequents that tournament. We already play in the YMBL tournament... We dropped the Gamble to play other teams. I think it's a great idea....
  15. Mental Toughness... BG > Dove Soulja> Dove Get my drift?
  16. When starting. Tournament, there's other important things to be worried about.... Like game plans, correct defenses, proper stretches, getting those practice free throws up, ect. If a coach or fans of a team are racking their brains and whining about a dang bracket, then something is wrong. Just like BG say, this same whininess happened last year with the Gamble tournament. It's funny, though. But if me not understanding that baffling logic makes my common sense come into question, then so be it. I have no common sense then. Lol. Go and do your best in that meat grinder top bracket, Ozen. I hope to be at the game actually rooting you on.
  17. Truth be told, I wouldn't have a problem with putting a tournament together at random. Let each team's coach dig in a bucket, pull a number and just play where your number is on the sheet. I know this isn't how this goes, but I wouldn't be opposed to doing it like that... A 2-1 Consolation championship (=) a 2-1 2nd place finish, IMO.
  18. Lol. Im gonna make a Central Fun Size banner and wave it at the game this evening...
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