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Everything posted by BMTSoulja1

  1. Letting your hate for a certain individual cloud the obvious... She's still a woman... An old woman at that. Neil is a large man. Had no business forcing himself past her and pushing her in the process... Had this not happened at BISD, this would not have been a big deal to some...
  2. This may make the 10th time that I've stated this... She was wrong... Furthermore, I'm glad that she's not employed anymore... But let's not sweep his wrongdoings under the rug... I still say that he wouldn't have done that had a man been blocking the door...
  3. I've stated that I understand now.... certain situations make it ok to buffalo a woman...
  4. So, in conclusion, it's the norm for some to be for buffaloing and pushing women in certain circumstances.... If their breaking the law, perform a citizen's arrest and push them, grab them ect... Ok, gotcha...
  5. Lol... My standards.... But you or no one else have failed to answer my question.... Or questions... Was it wrong for him to push that woman and would he have done that had a man been blocking the passageway... I thought I was done here... You and TVC are really getting me ready for our Football season debates....
  6. My words truely fall upon deaf ears... With that being said,
  7. Again, I never stated that Haynes wasn't in the wrong and guilty... Never said that and you'll never see where I said that. BUT, Neil was also wrong, but some , no matter the explanation, won't see it that way. He buffaloed his way past her... He pushed her... There was a problem with that. As I said, Neil would have never done that had a man been blocking the door...
  8. Still missing my point... But I can't say I'm surprised.... It's just like when this video first went viral and we discussed it here...
  9. My point is that when you see her crazy self standing in front of the door, one with logical sense should have immediately called for the proper authorities... Why even get into a shoving match with her? I tell you why.. because he let his emotions take over no one likes her. So you try to get physical with her... Like I said before, I guarantee you he would not have done that if a man were standing in the door...
  10. Yep... West Brook abides by their own Set of rules, apparently...
  11. Well, I need to reword that... Some have selective comprehension...
  12. Lol... BD, c'mon, man. Logic at some point needs to take the drivers seat here... Once again, the push that Neil gave Haynes.... Can ANYONE tell me that they deep in their hearts is justified and that's it's ok just because you don't like her or she was wrong for blocking the passageway?
  13. Once again I stated several times she was wrong on her part... but it seems that NO ONE finds a problem with a man 2 times her weight and size pushing her out of the way....
  14. I doubt it... She would've moved... I'm sure she knows that what she was doing was against the law... Trust me, BD, she would've stepped aside with little to no resistance...
  15. But then you started talking about Walker. No one is Talking about if they think it'll be ok if a woman is shoved and buffaloed while in your presence. What if your wife was shoved? Now that I think about it, would that dude have shoved a man had he blocked that door? I'm willing to bet my entire years wages that he wouldn't.
  16. He should've called your friends in, TVC.... As soon as she started preventing entry.... I mean, it's all logical and common sense.... But some choose not to see the obvious... I feel like the same conversation that I had with some when the initial situation took place....
  17. So, is it ok for a much bigger man to push your wife.... In ANY Circumstance?
  18. We're not talking about walker... Talking about Haynes getting shoved by much bigger person (man).
  19. Ding, ding, ding! Winner, winner, chicken dinner!
  20. So is putting your hands on a woman to forcefully move her out of the way ok to do? I think the next time I go into a McDonald's and see a woman in front of me moving to slow, I'll push her aside to gain access quickly... According to your logic, TVC, it's within the law to do and you'd have NO problem with this if you were on patrol at this McDonald's....
  21. True, she was in the wrong, no doubt (I've previously stated this ). But the best way to handle this would be to get the authorities handle it.... Not take the law into your own hands..
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